Example sentences of "[coord] they [modal v] have [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In those pieces that are workable for both groups , it seems perfectly plausible that the string and wind ensembles could have played simultaneously the statement in the first entrée that the bride and groom are led by the violins and oboes suggests as much or they may have played in alternation .
2 She must have disturbed them , Jehan thought , or they would have lain in the bushes until we passed .
3 Cara wanted to know in a hurry , though added more slowly , ‘ No , you ca n't have done , or they 'd have insisted on you going home straight away . ’
4 They have n't started packing their suitcases yet , but they fear it may be inevitable and they 'll have to come to terms with a completely new existence .
5 They were country people in a sense that Melanie was not , although she had just come from the green fields and they might have lived in London all their lives .
6 The Dinosaur guitar influence is maybe too apparent and they might have to wait until the next one before breaking out of the indie ghetto .
7 The Dinosaur guitar influence is maybe too apparent and they might have to wait until the next one before breaking out of the indie ghetto .
8 On February 27 she was told only a heart transplant would save her husband 's life and they would have to wait for a donor .
9 Their habitations would be huts , which they would have to build themselves , in desert land away from the few cities ; their diet would be healthy and sustaining but it would be monotonous , and they would have to do without delicacies which many of them might have become used to in the Diaspora .
10 This they did not do and they should have ascertained by sticking writing into the National Westminster Bank to confirm that sufficient funds were available for the completion of the proposed transaction and that the terms upon which this finance was to be made available had been agreed .
11 Yet the case is different with the children in England , for when they emigrate , the vast majority will go to English-speaking countries , and they will have profited from the intimate contact they had with the English life and language . ’
12 Ball retention was poor and they will have to improve on this for the league games .
13 Mustelids very like modern stoats and weasels are the most common carnivores at Westbury ( apart from the cave bear which was probably only partly carnivorous anyway ) and they could have contributed to the small mammal faunas at Westbury .
14 I think Shrewsbury have done very very well , they conceded a goal very early on in the game and they could have gone to pieces but they gathered themselves together , got back in the game with a goal from and they 've done themselves proud so far .
15 And they could have arranged for a taxi . ’
16 The wheels would be all right for a couple of days ; then they 'd become ten times worse and they 'd have to come to the smithy .
17 Well that was , that was the crew 's job you see cos you used to have , they used to be erm , they used to be the master of the ship , my father , and they would still have a mate , he 's dead and gone and there was myself one side on the starboard side on a winch and we had two men right aft on the after winch and they used to have to look after three chains .
18 But they may have to wait for a year , and maybe even two , before the brief , dramatic cycle can begin all over again .
19 But they might have remained as also-rans if the rhynchosaurs had not already been driven into extinction
20 If they had agreed with British Airways , I could understand that they might have left the issue alone , but they might have come to different conclusions and taken different action .
21 They 're going to be cheaper for the English market but they 'll have to put on their prices for the export market for those that are going out
22 HE 'S the heart-throb thousands of schoolgirls want to date — but they 'll have to get past the secret woman in his life first .
23 He could see his room — the white walls , the shelf of shells , the ocean in the window — but they could 've belonged to anyone , they meant nothing .
24 But they could have got into the boarding annexe .
25 The hospital carries out world-famous research into skin disease — but they used to have to work in a couple of temporary buildings .
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