Example sentences of "[coord] they [modal v] [be] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , the foundation of a new settlement/cemetery may be the result of shifting patterns brought about by such things as soil exhaustion and plague , or they may be new settlements caused by a growth of population .
2 The symbols X , Y , … on the right may be symbols which occur in the text ( terminal symbols ) ; or they may be other symbols which are invented for use just within the grammar ( variables ) .
3 Intermediate targets may be genuine targets which can be aimed for in their own right or they may be spurious targets if they are just subdivisions of the journey to the main target .
4 Or they may be fine metal wires intended simply to record the electrical activity occurring in the cells in their vicinity .
5 They may , for instance , be capable of rising magnificently to the occasion when a neighbour 's sick , deprived , or even delinquent child needs help , or they may be wonderful wives , husbands or parents and do much useful voluntary work in the community , and yet lack the particular type of emotional muscle required to support old people .
6 Or they may be national anthems , flags and romantic notions , like the English thatched cottage under a spreading chestnut tree .
7 The coordinate singularities on the hypersurfaces and may thus either be quasiregular singularities if the curvature tensor on these surfaces is bounded , or they must be non-scalar curvature singularities if the curvature components become unbounded .
8 They may also predict stereotypical roles and relationships of participants , or they can be stereotypical text types , predicting plot structure or conversational development .
9 Doors can be solid wood , such as oak , pine , cherry , or maple , for example , or they can be white ash or limed oak veneer , or even a hard-wearing laminate finish .
10 Er , and they may be little things , but if you get them wrong , if you firmly recognise the power structure with people working with you , go on , who 's your
11 ‘ If they were in any other country , they would be winning and they would be top players . ’
12 It has very little to do with her life , and they would be bizarre parents or catechetists who really wanted the girls in their charge to emulate Rose of Lima in any very direct way .
13 They can also educate in the way they handle reference requests ( whether they supply the answer , for instance , or the way of finding the answer ) ; and they can be valuable stimulators of book use and enquiry by giving readings , quality advisory services and reading lists , and knowledgeable enthusiasm .
14 In 1923 , when the Liberals found themselves in much the same situation as Mr Ashdown is hoping for today , Asquith told them that they ‘ were not sent here by your constituents to play the part of soldiers of fortune ’ , but that was exactly the part they found themselves playing then , and will find themselves playing now if we get a hung Parliament , and they will be unsuccessful mercenaries at that .
15 Several farms are expected to be offered for sale this year and they will be prime targets for afforestation too , according to Andrew Hepburne-Scott .
16 Stephen Moon says 20 months is a longtime and they will be different people when they get home
17 And then the the ships shuddered and and some would go down by the stern and others would topple up and they 'd be great fountains of water .
18 Note down any other changes you may have noticed about yourself , even minor ones — you may not see the connection but they may be vital clues to the doctor .
19 But they will be individual goals , not collective ones .
20 Whitaker 's Book-Bank , magnetic tape and online customers will still be able to find the relevant titles but they will be flagged o.p .
21 But they can be pure crime fiction and fine crime fiction too .
22 ‘ Yes , they 're adorable — but they can be little demons as well , ’ Laura laughed .
23 These women may not be house-proud , but they should be responsive lovers .
24 Non-horsy spouses and relatives can be trained for this role , but they must be willing helpers !
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