Example sentences of "[coord] they [verb] [adv] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Oh , it says here the basic necessities the things you buy have er have actually gone up , or they 've hardly moved at all .
2 Verily , thou art mistaken — I contacted Microvalue , and they 've never heard of it .
3 And they 've never come after you ? ’ she asked dubiously .
4 But of course Stephen knows him much better , he was at college with him , and they 've always kept in touch , in a fairly loose sort of way .
5 But I have two lovely daughters and two sons , and they 've always looked after me and loved me .
6 They had all come to her , one by one , during the evening , an evening harried with telephone calls — ‘ I do n't think , ’ Anna had said at one point , ‘ that we have eaten an uninterrupted meal in twenty-one years ’ — and they had all explained to her how awful they felt , and how guilty they felt about feeling awful , because it was n't anybody 's fault , and that made it worse , having nobody to blame .
7 ‘ I must say I 'd have been happier , ’ said Rose , when everyone was suited and they had all sunk into their chairs , ‘ if Viola had kept away .
8 When she 'd been doing her research for this article she 'd talked to various other people in the City regarding Laura Wyndham 's expertise in her job , and they had all agreed on one thing — she was at the very top of her profession .
9 ‘ I rang up Scotland Yard to tell you something this morning , and they 'd never heard of you . ’
10 I then rang the Family Health Authority er myself , and they 'd never heard of the person and had no trace of of the name I gave them .
11 And this Mr was so taken aback , by me going in and asking for a job , and they 'd always advertised in the paper before , that he said , Well , she must want work if she 's gone after it .
12 I think there is a general acceptance even amongst those who are not helpful that there is a major problem here that they can not ignore or can not deny and they have even got beyond the stage of trying to blame the victims .
13 There are no known photographs of Various — their LP sleeves often featuring really crap photographs of couples snogging — and they have never appeared on TV .
14 There are no known photographs of Various — their LP sleeves often featuring really crap photographs of couples snogging — and they have never appeared on TV .
15 Not only were the sites of their cancer much more significant compared to their ‘ matched ’ counterparts , but they had also arrived at Bristol when their disease was already worse and therefore more likely to lead to an earlier death .
16 But they had merely asked for it — petitioned — begged — like ‘ humble servants ’ — if your Grace would graciously grant …
17 They remained , therefore , on the outskirts of the town , until , terrified of being crushed by the mob , they decided to seek refuge in the open fields , but they had hardly agreed on this when fresh ash clouds , denser than ever , overwhelmed them and brought total darkness .
18 ‘ My parents thought a schoolmaster 's salary was riches , but they had always lived in very humble circumstances .
19 But they had always kept in touch , by letter and occasionally by telephone , though recently Caro 's calls had come either from work or from a public kiosk .
20 At the time Rachel herself had still been doing her training but they had all worked at the same hospital — David as a senior house officer and Jennifer as a staff nurse on Orthopaedics .
21 Occasionally they gave a perfunctory look up and down the carriage , but they had obviously wilted with the tedium of the journey and the foul air .
22 There were the papers produced by the political groups , but they seemed fatally restricted to the obsessions of other times , and to backbiting amongst themselves .
23 There are two members I think have spoken from the Liberal benches concerning funding bureaucracy and I would agree entirely with what that means but they 've also mentioned in the same bet , budgetary control and if you 're going to control budgets , you have to have a minimal amount of bureaucracy and the function really of the head of the er of the project , er the head of the the post that 's now slipped into oblivion with this motion , would actually have been to do two things it would have been to hold the two groups together and it would have been to have overall control of that budget and it would n't have been easy and I would n't have like the job and I wouldn't 've applied for it and certainly would have been very difficult indeed .
24 You know that 's all right he may , might , alright there may of been a soldier there , but they 've just come from that direction
25 I mean you go to other towns , they they might not know Nottingham , but they 've usually heard of .
26 No , a Sierra , a Sierra the whole lot comes up , yes , but they 've now changed to a Sapphire and the Sapphire is just the boot , yeah ?
27 I seemed to have a separate brain for each limb , but they 'd all broken off diplomatic relations .
28 Such transmitted signals have little or no effect on lights , motors and electrical equipment but they arc easily detected by an electronic circuit .
29 Not only are beer taxes still with us , but they have just gone through their biggest shake-up for many years .
30 But they have also rallied to a call to save their privileged world — as women they must protect their children , their families , their religion and , above all , their enormous wealth .
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