Example sentences of "[coord] as i [verb] [prep] my " in BNC.

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1 Very pleased to have yours and as I said in my last it 's your money , God has been very kind to you and you must n't fly up in the face of his kindness and I wish you had not taken this step , your Uncle Steve says property 's more trouble than it 's worth .
2 That more exact calculation has , I think , met with general approval and as I said in my statement about our proposal for council tax benefit in a written answer on 28 November , we intend to maintain that closer alignment in the wake of the changes in local taxation that are intended to take effect in April 1993 .
3 And as I looked at my little daughter , bright-eyed and ready to challenge the world , I could only pray that I would be ‘ good enough ’ in the new dance that was just beginning .
4 I listened to this tale of woe and as I dug with my tiny spade , wondered what I might find , an arm or perhaps a leg , but the only discoveries that I made were small pieces of coal washed up on the beach .
5 I almost floated to the car and as I settled in my seat Beamish put his face to the open window .
6 Cos I have n't said that my MP can have a pay rise , and as I vote for my M P , and you vote for your M P , they have to ask us first as far as I 'm concerned .
7 It 's purely a matter of personal preference , but as I sat on my bed that day , stroking Dawn , I knew that she was the one .
8 But as I sat with my legs dangling over the edge , looking out on to the quiet water meadow , the anarchy of Delhi seemed far away and I began to see why in all the most sensible cultures , Paradise was envisaged as a walled pleasure garden .
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