Example sentences of "[coord] as [pron] [vb past] [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I felt it when I caught sight of Jean-Claude unobserved , or as I reflected on him when he was out of sight .
2 Then the pack of zander went through the swim and as they went by I took fish of 6lb 8oz , 8lb0oz , 8lb 6oz , 5lb 15oz and l0lb 11oz as fast as I could reel them in and then they were gone .
3 " Round again , lads ! " the corporal yelled , and as we stared at him aghast he smiled affectionately .
4 ‘ Of course — but unfortunately overlooked , ’ he replied straight away , and as it came to her that he must have been teasing her with his earlier attitude , he was asking , ‘ Now , can I get you a glass of wine ? ’
5 Now obviously in Bracknell , Maidenhead and in the City , erm and as I said to you , we 've recently opened er er an office in in Leeds er to base our expansion in the North and up into Scotland .
6 The Frenchman shook my hand and as I looked at him and his family I thought slowly to myself , ‘ What a bloody chance he is taking .
7 There was a look of betrayal in her small , moony eyes , and as I looked into them I could n't help feeling a sense of guilt .
8 The voice belonged to George , he had drawn up on the other side of the road , and as I walked towards him his voice was getting impatient .
9 One of them came to see me , and as I walked towards him across the table , he put on his glasses .
10 I soon noticed myself rapidly approaching a fallen tree over the surface of the river and as I rushed towards it I clung on to it for dear life .
11 Behind me his body began to beat against the stern of the boat , and as I turned toward him I saw Rachel from the corner of my eye begin to clamber up from her seat and I called out to her to stay sitting and not to stand but she laughed lightly and tossed back her head and I felt Casey behind me clambering into the boat .
12 The door of No. 4 was open , the room empty ; No. 3 , the room his mother shared with Bunty Baird , was shut , and as he came to it he heard a sharp crack , a yelp and Bunty 's voice ‘ Oh shog off , you silly old fool , beat it ! ’
13 He thought it was me , and he put on a bit of a spurt and as he went by I tripped him up . ’
14 He dialled out , and as he waited for it to be answered he knew he was using a line more private than anything set up between the Kremlin and the White House .
15 A tatami , a triple-woven rush mat , had been placed on the sand , and as he walked towards it Alexei saw that the slave had raked over his footprints as he had departed , leaving the surface smooth and even .
16 I put my arm across his shoulders , and as he leaned against me for a moment and sobbed I wondered if he had ever been able to cry like this — like a little boy with somebody to comfort him .
17 One of these whipped back at him and as he caught at it a thorn drove into the fleshy pad of his finger .
18 And as he stood before her to correct the row of small buttons he asked , ‘ How would you like scrambled eggs for lunch ? ’
19 The two men , one called Willie and the other called Arthur , were standing with their caps on , and as she walked towards them the man called Mike , the big one , said to her , ‘ Sorry I was rough on you , miss . ’
20 And as she rubbed against him , her skin became more and more slippery , until she squelched as her open crotch ground against his thighs .
21 She telephoned police and as she waited for them to arrive she noticed the same youths approach a man with two young children and drench one of the children .
22 Because she 's got the two and as she said to me , it does n't matter in the junior school , he will take a teacher 's assessment or a report with him anyway .
23 And as she pressed against him and felt his passion stirring , and saw the depth of emotion that shone from his eyes , Shiona knew beyond a doubt that his promise was true .
24 Damian pulled her out and shut the door , marching with her back down the corridors , his hand hard on her wrist , and as she went with him , hurrying to match those long strides , she understood and was horrified beyond belief .
25 She hurried back to the bed and snatched up her dressing-gown , and as she shrugged into it she saw the note that was carefully pinned to the pillow .
26 The entrance to her own flat was down one of the narrow corridors that led off from the rectangular landing , and as she stepped towards it she noticed with sudden uneasiness that one of the wall lights halfway down the corridor had gone , plunging the passageway into semi-darkness .
27 In one more smooth movement his own shirt was gone , and as she looked at him her naked skin seemed to cry out for the touch of his .
28 The broken sails of the old windmill stood out in silhouette against the sky like a scarecrow 's arms , and as she looked at them a sudden wonderful idea flashed into Cheryl 's mind .
29 It was all of three inches long , and as she looked at it , she said , ‘ I should n't be landed with this .
30 Her left elbow was tingling too and as she felt for it with her right hand she found that the sleeve of her blouse had been torn .
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