Example sentences of "[coord] as [pron] [verb] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Or as you shut your front door and panic for a minute , thinking you have left your keys inside , you hear yourself say ‘ It 's all right .
2 Clouds of steam would rise as they scooped beneath the surface of the warm fermenting heap , and as they carried their loaded baskets through the frosty morning air .
3 And as they learn their native language , they also use language to learn other things .
4 Andrew Kay , the Civil Service captain , confirmed yesterday : ‘ We are beginning to play as a team again and as we extend our winning sequence the more confident we are becoming . ’
5 I would of thought so Mr yes , yes , erm , alright well Mr Mr erm this is a rather odd exercise in a way and as you know my first thoughts were they were better to leave it to see what , how the , how the judgment came out of it , but erm , erm , I do regard the matter as er , as a , as a whole as of very considerable importance both to both sides of this case and erm , it did seem to me on considering it , er , from recovering from the dentist that er , an , an outline of erm
6 Probably the first thing that strikes you is the layout of the screen — there are dotted lines indicating the text 's margins , and as you type your purple prose , you notice that every space is marked by a little spot .
7 For the standard enquiries always use one of the printed forms of requisitions , which all law stationers sell , being careful to delete irrelevant questions , such as those that relate to leaseholds when you are buying a freehold ; and as you add your own special requisitions arising on the particular title , tick your marking against each point on your notes on title .
8 When he first came the villagers wanted to get rid of him but he would n't go , and as he made himself useful they came to endure him .
9 Their heads were close together and as he appeared they all looked up in unison with startled faces and fell silent .
10 A pair of keen black eyes burned fiercely in their sunken sockets , and as she met their sardonic gaze she drew back and would have fled , had not the servant been close behind her .
11 He stared at her and as she met his shocked gaze she felt tears squeeze out over her lashes with hot , blinding intensity .
12 But the more she thought of Silas 's kisses the more infuriated she became , and as she recalled her own response her fury turned to bitter humiliation .
13 Once in position , the male begins to nudge her and as she lays her adhesive eggs , he fertilizes them .
14 And as she raised her chilled , dripping face to look at the sky , the black clouds parted .
15 And as she remembered her own vivid imaginings a blush crept up her throat to flood her cheeks with hot colour .
16 Lan , for her part , hoped fervently that her innocence would be self-evident , and as she watched her prostrate grandfather 's lips moving soundlessly she began to phrase in her own mind the plea for leniency she intended to submit to the ancestral spirit .
17 But as they checked their tiny forces — a hundred or so ashore — the first German Stosstruppen , Thrust Troops , were moving into the docks over the bridges of the submarines ' basin 's southern lock ( 'D' ) at 0150 hours .
18 But as I studied him any aggressive feelings I may have harboured evaporated quickly .
19 Sgurr a' Mhaim was my 5Oth Munro , but as I hauled my dejected little body up the last few hundred feet , I was thinking only of rest , not triumph .
20 It was hardly a stately progress , but as she made her triumphant way back the seas of people around her grew and grew , so that she was accompanied back into the parade ring by a whooping mob , pushing and shoving to get to her , all carried along on a tide of exultation .
21 But as he took his three lifelong friends for a drive , the car veered over a dual carriageway and hit a bus head-on .
22 But as he began his sixth day his silent vigil ended .
23 For a decade and a half Bramwell served the movement faithfully but as he approached his seventies speculation began to grow about who was to follow him .
24 He still irritated her with his casual dress , the sloppy tie hanging round his neck , the top button always undone , the lazy grin and teasing remarks in front of her colleagues , but as he teased them all she was in no way singled out .
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