Example sentences of "[coord] had [adv] [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One affected to be lame and had probably become so by constant practice .
2 Faced with this scenario , the plaintiff gave evidence that she was too frightened to sleep at the premises and had not done so since her initial eviction .
3 Until then , the Falklands had been the concern of the Overseas and Defence Committee and had not featured strongly in discussions in full Cabinet .
4 I assured him that I did not have the slightest idea where the Derby Cup was and had not made away with it .
5 running from care : over half the 179 youngsters who had run from care were persistent absconders and had already run away at least five times before going to the safe house .
6 He added : ‘ I have my own little semi and had already saved enough for my retirement .
7 He knew little more about her now than when they had first encountered each other in the abbey ruins on a blustery August evening less than six weeks earlier , had for a minute stood and gazed and had then moved silently towards each other in a wordless , amazed recognition .
8 Thus in a case in 1969 , where the 10-year-old child born in England of Spanish parents had been very unhappy during the seventeen months he had spent with them in Spain , and had then lived happily for several years with foster parents and their six children in England , the court refused to make an order that care and control should be granted to the parents , one of whom was in poor health .
9 She remembered , following the man 's visit , that she had sat dumb with rage , and had then rushed upstairs to his room , and every article belonging to him , even to his razor strop , she had brought down and thrown into the yard for the Saturday morning onslaught .
10 Mary had been looked after by a nanny until the age of seven and had then stayed intermittently with elderly relatives .
11 She and had obviously gone away for the weekend .
12 The young woman had picked up her handbag , but had n't moved apart from that .
13 ‘ We 've always been really good friends but had n't worked together for a long time .
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