Example sentences of "[coord] had [verb] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Resuming at the short fourth hole , he promptly took a double bogey five , leaving a bunker shot in the sand , and then following it with a six at the fifth , where he hooked into some bushes and had to go back to the tee .
2 Nails had woken up abruptly and been angry at being discovered , and had gone out into the grey morning without any conversation beyond the threat about pulping Hoomey if he split .
3 Wilcock had written about Haynes and his Edinburgh bookshop in the Village Voice soon after it had opened , and had popped up in the one-off Longhair Times too .
4 Gabriel was not permitted to show himself , and had to duck down inside the cart , underneath the costumes .
5 Straightening , he turned to Lori , who had gone as white as a sheet , and had backed up to the door like an animal at bay .
6 ‘ The poor bastard was thrown by his horse and had to walk back to the village .
7 ( Like many British design engineers at the time — and unlike Continental or American ones — he had no university training and had come up through the usual apprenticeship route with evening and part-time study . )
8 Miss Foley was ready to go now and had come up to the desk to clear his out tray .
9 He had arrived at the Laboratory over an hour late , at ten o'clock , looking terribly tired because he had been up that night at the scene of crime , and had come over to the reception desk to collect his personal post .
10 Lucy was involved in a study of cetaceans and had come along in the hope of seeing at least some porpoises .
11 The Jew had left Judaea , where the capital has a name difficult to pronounce ( they call it Ierusalem ) and had come down to the sea .
12 He says a boy had gone away for a weekend and had come back to the school with the tablets and then sold them .
13 By August 1938 she had become a resident of the mental hospital , and Maurice reported to Eliot that she seemed " fairly cheerful , had slept well and eaten well , and had sat out in the garden and read a certain amount . "
14 The court was told she had ignored a Give Way sign at a junction and had driven on to the main road at about 40 mph .
15 ‘ The policeman saw the car coming straight towards him , and thought he was going to be hit , and had to pull in to the side of the road .
16 Aggie had taken her hat and coat off and had dropped on to the settle , and as he entered the room she said immediately , ‘ Somethin' will have to be … ’ but paused as Millie came in on Ben 's heels , and she nodded towards her saying , ‘ Go and take your things off and set the tray . ’
17 Jilly Jonathan was pale but had calmed down after the bout of hysterical weeping that had overcome her once they had got her to the hotel .
18 János Hunyadi was regent of Hungary during the minority of King Ladislas V , but had to step down at the very moment of the fall of Constantinople when Ladislas came of age .
19 Smith should have been on the bench for London 's game against the Midlands last Saturday but had to drop out with the same complaint .
20 Smith should have been on the bench for London 's game against the Midlands last Saturday but had to drop out with the same complaint .
21 Clearly the pilot had not wasted time calculating an entry angle , but had bored down through the upper atmosphere as directly as he was able .
22 He had proposed the visit to Burford on 17 May 1968 but had dropped out of the ill-fated return journey .
23 Innes McInnes was obviously a soup-meat-cheese man from way back , but had come up in the world .
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