Example sentences of "[coord] he may [adv] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Durfey may have written the lyrics himself , adding a coded signature to cock a snook at his detractors ( ‘ The Town may da-da-da-m me as a poet , but they sing my songs for all that ’ ) ; or he may conceivably have acted the part himself , for money he appeared to need , and plenty of laughs backstage .
2 If so , such expedients failed , for Ælfgifu was soon back in England supporting her son , and he may well have owed his popularity in the midlands partly to her Mercian kindred .
3 Moreover in the years 1176–7 he was taking a keen interest in the competing politics of the Spanish kingdoms and he may well have instructed Richard to ensure that the great road south from Bordeaux to the Pyrenees was kept open for travellers of all sorts , pilgrims , traders and couriers .
4 But Acts is clearly not intended to give a complete account of Paul 's activities , and he may well have visited Jerusalem on other occasions which are not recorded .
5 He had accomplished nothing and he may well have meditated on the difference between his situation and that of his uncle at the Erfurt meeting with the German Princes in 1808 .
6 Sidonius depicts the scheme as madness ; nevertheless he maintained his friendship for Arvandus , and he may even have given up his office of prefect of the City of Rome in order not to be involved in sentencing his friend .
7 But he may also have intended to remind those present that he had come to the throne as a result of the treaty he had made with Edmund , which according to Florence of Worcester established peace , friendship and brotherhood between them .
8 But he may well have kicked up another by exposing the eight other Test-playing nations .
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