Example sentences of "[coord] he have [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Either the Führer 's statement , the report went on , meant that he had allowed himself to be badly deceived and was not , therefore , the genius he was always alleged to be ; or he had intentionally lied to the people about rising war production , knowing all the time that saboteurs were at work .
2 His name was Mason , and he had just returned from the West Indies , where Mr Rochester had once lived .
3 Dunlop appeared to be catching Moodie and he had already put in that record lap of 115.62mph on lap three , but Moodie always had matters well in hand .
4 Rhee had been expelled from the exiled ‘ government ’ because of his maverick qualities in 1925 and he had then functioned as an independent , although claiming still to be the authentic voice of the government .
5 As well as the rest of them — and he had more to write about than most .
6 And he had once elicited from her the statement , ‘ I did not have what the English refer to as ‘ a good war ’ . ’
7 Sarah was now his wife , and he had only to look at her to know he had done the right thing .
8 The Captain did n't even know his name since the fight had happened in another part of the city and he had only read about it in the papers .
9 The grounds were essentially those of suitability : Philip was French ; he was eighteen years older than his English rival ( then aged only fifteen ) ; and he had always lived in France .
10 Because this was a Thursday and he had never thought of going out on a Thursday before , and because of the previous Saturday night , coming back to collect the washing .
11 I could see why he was angry : the windscreen of the Shogun was well-smeared with yellow paint and he 'd obviously reacted by turning on the windscreen-wipers , the worst thing he could have done .
12 ‘ Keith added a huge thing to the band , ’ enthuses Bryan , ‘ and he 'd never recorded on an album before .
13 And he 's just walked past me .
14 And he has also argued for a tougher approach to environmental enforcement and development of environmental technology .
15 Seems that Louis Gerstner has decided that the IBM Corp culture has to be changed from the top down as a priority , and he has again gone outside the company — and the computer industry — for a senior appointment , hiring Gerald Czarnecki , chairman and chief executive of the Bank of America Hawaii unit of BankAmerica Corp to be the new senior vice-president in charge of human resources and administration .
16 And he has already called on Chancellor Norman Lamont to make a Commons statement ‘ as a matter of the utmost urgency ’ setting out the Government 's intentions .
17 I love very polished and dressed looking hair and he has always worked in that way ’ .
18 Project spokesman Shamsuddin Ahmed said : ‘ We had written to the Home Office Minister , Peter Lloyd , asking for support and he has now passed on the letter to the Heritage Minister , Peter Brooke .
19 Kelly 's clumsy handling of the affair has done immense damage to the authority of his own office and he has only succeeded in attracting more attention to the ineptitude with which football is run .
20 If this is the case , and he has then asked about Cantona and been given the nod , he has still done well .
21 In 1921 , Siqueiros had urged artists to ‘ avoid those lamentable archaeological reconstructions ’ ( ‘ Indianism ’ , ‘ Primitivism ’ , ‘ Americanism' ) but he had also warned against the use of ‘ archaic motifs ’ from the old masters of European art ‘ which for us would be exotic ’ ; instead his advice was to study the arts of both , learning from the ‘ constructive base ’ , the ‘ great sincerity ’ , of the latter , and the ‘ synthetic energy ’ of the former , to combine the ‘ lost values ’ of the past with new values to produce an art appropriate to modern America .
22 An evangelical of great piety and a man of gentle character and inflexible integrity , Johnson was charged with a mission beyond the powers of most because he was to be custodian of the morals of the infant settlement but he had also to conform to the pragmatism of Arthur Phillip [ q.v. ] , the first governor of New South Wales .
23 But he had also hinted at a sexual relationship with one of his American university professors , and with the editor of a certain American music magazine , with whom he had spent a vacation in Hairi .
24 But he had since matured into an above average soldier and technician , talented , willing and desperate not to leave the army .
25 Werewolf had opted for clear plastic goggles but he had already dispensed with them , tying them to his belt .
26 He gave evidence in support of the claims of the tenantry before the Bessborough commission ( 1880 ) but he had already come to prominence when he performed brilliantly as an expert witness on canon law in the celebrated O'Keefe law case in 1875 .
27 Fallon still had a bit of work to do , even then , but he had already bumped off Perrins and Hannaford with one uncompromising run and this time his strength buried the rest of the Gloucester defence and took him over for a try in the corner .
28 But he had already performed in the horse box on the way to the fete — and there was no way he was going to do it again .
29 He could drive out to Wenlock Manor and dine but he had already lunched on his own .
30 Then John Gielgud opened in a Barrie play , but he had only got into the third act when the siren went .
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