Example sentences of "[coord] he be [adv] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 In recent years he has been closely associated with Hildegard Fritz-Denneville Fine Arts Ltd in Bond Street where his knowledge and connoisseurship are greatly valued and he is still to be found on weekdays in the gallery 's offices .
2 The Japanese almost certainly knew the Australians were in the area , for a young Chinaman had served food to officers passing through Railaco , and he was later to be ‘ shot at sight ’ after his Japanese contacts were discovered .
3 For a second , I think it could be Lucker , but he is nowhere to be seen .
4 That was as much as he felt he could cope with for a while , but he was soon to be ‘ prevailed upon by government ’ to become chairman of British Steel in double harness with the Tate $ Lyle job .
5 Sid James had n't made a picture since the one that was without the Williams credit , Cabby , but he was soon to be almost a fixture on the set , playing parts as stereotyped as Ken 's .
6 She looked round for Leo , but he was nowhere to be seen .
7 But he was nowhere to be seen .
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