Example sentences of "[coord] he [vb past] [verb] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps — no , not perhaps , but because McAllister , with all her youthful ebullience and charm , was in his house , she had revived something in him which he did not want to feel and he had called up the demon to assuage it — no , to kill it .
2 Ian MacDonald and he had stripped down the old wreck and searched junk yards for spare parts .
3 He 'd been back again the following weekend , and he had had just the same unsettling effect on her .
4 Fortunately , the head keeper arrived before Father , and he managed to sort out the mess .
5 And he continued reading out the names of all the hardest rocks in the world .
6 In his ten years with Intelligence he rose to the rank of colonel , but his superiors ' prejudice against his British ancestry and education became unbearable and he resigned to take up the post offered to him with UNACO .
7 When I was about eleven , he must have been about fourteen or fifteen , and he decided to take up the concert flute — so he suggested that instead of us staying on tin whistles , we should all take up different instruments .
8 The van was capacious and he decided to fill up the space with a couple of sacks of fuel .
9 And he wanted to know why the books were there and .
10 And he vowed to keep up the fight against the benefit cheats .
11 ‘ I could be looking for something more , ’ she said , and again she wished she had kept her mouth closed , but he seemed to bring out the worse in her , and she could n't resist answering his insults in the only way she knew .
12 But he left to take on the run-down Staffordshire country house called Alton Towers and made it into a top leisure and theme park .
13 Maybe , it is argued , the Creator does not control the day-to-day succession of evolutionary events ; maybe he did not frame the tiger and the lamb , maybe he did not make a tree , but he did set up the original machinery of replication and replicator power , the original machinery of DNA and protein that made cumulative selection , and hence all of evolution , possible .
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