Example sentences of "[coord] he [vb mod] [adv] [vb infin] [art] " in BNC.

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1 His company must appreciate him , or he would n't rate a yearly raise .
2 For Tormey one of the ‘ purest ’ instances of representational behaviour is that of an actor who rages on stage as Lear but who could not possibly be expressing his own rage or he would never complete the performance .
3 ‘ If a good Admass man does not order a steak , either he is not hungry or he ca n't afford the price . ’
4 either that it 's funny or he ca n't read the fucking question
5 ‘ The new owner of the Enderley estate is a hard man , or he 'd never have the heart to turn her out , even if he does want her cottage for a gamekeeper .
6 The mere mention of the biting in Anna 's manuscript record of ‘ At Tikhon 's ’ variants is enough to pull the reader back into The Possessed , and he ca n't experience the sudden fierce tug of that novel without realizing simultaneously that the whole ‘ At Tikhon 's ’ chapter belongs elsewhere , to a different masterpiece .
7 Mind you , I 've been keeping up the ice dance so all the canals are frozen and he ca n't get a match to fish , ’ joked Dave , who runs Midlands Angling Products .
8 And he ca n't get the note out of his pocket and his trousers are all stuck to his bum , and he ca n't get them out and he 's digging it looks like he 's digging out his pants he 's going he pulls it out and takes the envelope off nearly and the waves are coming at him and he goes to read it and the wind blows it away .
9 Well there 's the fact that he might have borrowed the money for a ten million pound project , and he ca n't have a use of it because it 's named and he 's paying interest
10 Now he says Labour 's going nowhere and he ca n't take the back stabbing from other members .
11 And he wo n't miss the second time .
12 And he wo n't find a better one . ’
13 And he wo n't have a boiler big enough for the suit .
14 ‘ Look , Ben , we 've been questioning Leslie all morning and he wo n't say a dicky bird , but we think he knows who done it . ’
15 ‘ Do n't worry , if I want him to shut up I 'll give him a dig and he 'll soon get the message !
16 And he 'll only start the job if he can afford it , that 's if he 's a wise man .
17 Street lighting seeped into the tiny landing from an open door so at least some curtains were undrawn and he dare n't use the torch .
18 Gooch has been known to carry a long face on his sleeve and he may well appreciate the strength of Gatting .
19 This is better for the male , too , and he may actually inform the female in some way that she is a secondary female , but as yet we do not know how .
20 She apologizes as well , because she could n't find any frozen peas for Timmy 's tea and he would n't eat the broccoli .
21 They could be banging on the outside doors right now , and he would n't hear a thing .
22 And he would n't have a motive , would he ?
23 And he would n't like a privileged and good-looking young man like you , who is clearly slumming it among the ranks of the caddies , to be on his territory . ’
24 The Girls were lucky if they had booked digs , otherwise a visit to the stage door-keeper was made and he would probably have the list .
25 Such powerful artefacts as the Doomstones can not have escaped the notice of the Great Enchanter , and he would certainly make every effort to get hold of them .
26 And he would certainly welcome the money .
27 It was not too far away and he would definitely find a rope there .
28 By night he kept himself from the usual evenings with Henry and Betty , thinking to leave them some space for a time , and he would often take a sleeping pill at eight , before dinner , because sleep had grown difficult .
29 Eventually , if enough kept happening , the mood would lift without his noticing its departure and he would hardly remember the self-destructive self that went with it .
30 The papers which he receives for council and committee work are often confidential and he should not disclose the contents of those papers to outsiders .
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