Example sentences of "[coord] he [verb] he [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Jennifer Morgan looked at him quickly and he realized he must have stumbled on something .
2 The sudden descent into abuse took McLeish by surprise and he realized he must have shown it , because the girl literally got a grip on herself , folding her arms and hunching over the table .
3 It is eminently practical , and he thinks he may have started a trend .
4 ‘ I told him about the tramp , and he thinks he might have started the fire by knocking his pipe out on the dry grass . ’
5 ‘ He 's Garry 's boss and he thinks he can dictate his every move . ’
6 If the trouble spreads far enough and he thinks he can buy peace with a cheap loaf of bread then I should think he will .
7 Tony Wright … says it has n't been a good season they have n't batted well … but someone has got to take the blame and he thinks he should stand down and give someone else a chance
8 Tony Wright … says it has n't been a good season they have n't batted well … but someone has got to take the blame and he thinks he should stand down and give someone else a chance
9 The voice was incisive and cold , and he knew he ought to relax , to keep calm , above all to shut up , but somehow he could n't .
10 When Grainne slipped silently into his room , desire blazed up so uncontrollably that the banked-down emotions of a lifetime were swept aside , and he knew he would take her fiercely and violently .
11 He had a fair idea of what Heydrich had been up to in Aalborg , and he hoped he might get confirmation this way .
12 He says he 's pleased and he hopes he can cope with what they want .
13 But this young one , a very spiritual guy , like a leftover from The Deer Hunter with a black headband and black jersey , said he wanted to shoo these journalists ; he had a revolver with him all the time , he is licensed to kill and he says he 'd shoot them if they came near , and I said ‘ No , please do n't do that , I 'll get in more trouble , ’ and he said , ‘ I ‘ ll just hit them in the knee . ’
14 Well , I have a friend who is an Everton fan , and he says he can get tickets for this game , the only thing is they are with the Everton fans .
15 ‘ Well , Archie has a boat , and he says he can take us out to the bird islands , and I 'm sure we could get him to take you somewhere in the Land-Rover where you can fish .
16 ‘ I have found him , ’ said Cadfael , reporting the result of his quest in private to Abbot Radulfus , ‘ and he says he will know his man again . ’
17 The voice seemed familiar and he felt he should recognise it , but at first he felt it only as a persuasive force tugging at him , trying to draw him back from the comfort and welcome of the light .
18 ‘ If I felt there was a part that he could play and he felt he could play it — and if it was reasonable to ask him — I would bear that in mind .
19 Halifax was called in privately to Chamberlain 's room at the same time as Winston , and he assumed he would get the PM 's job .
20 At the time Mick Doyle was coach to a successful Leinster side and he believed he could do a better job than McBride .
21 He thought he could jolly well do it better than Hoomey and co : he could swim and run , at least , which was halfway there , and he bet he could learn riding quicker than them .
22 ‘ The Cabinet is divided , ’ he noted in his diary , ‘ and he fears he will have to resign . ’
23 And he thought he could do without the high-interest assistance of French or Swiss bankers .
24 The car was a wide-bodied machine , and he thought he could see the unmistakable markings of a Mercedes .
25 I rang Winston and he said he would make an enquiry at the Foreign Office .
26 His buffaloes , some ten in number , were straggling up towards the road and he said he would leave as soon as they had grazed up to where he was sitting .
27 And he said he would bring the mince in to do the , like give them the money for a pound of mince and a packet of
28 I spoke to him , on the phone , and he said he would come in this morning .
29 ‘ I thought I had signed Saunders from Derby and he said he would have joined Forest if any other club but Liverpool had wanted him .
30 Gordon Lind , chairman of Monklands West Conservatives , claimed that Monklands had misused public funds in its pursuit of the paper and he said he would call on the Scottish Secretary , Ian Lang , and the local government Controller of Audit to investigate .
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