Example sentences of "[coord] this is an [noun] which " in BNC.

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1 Humans are bound to be special cases , since they are more independent of the natural environment than are plants and other animals and this is an area which is not yet fully understood .
2 Graphics and other illustrative material has its part to play as well and this is an area which receives little attention .
3 Now the assumption that erm Napoleon made about the future of Europe was Europe with France as the leader and this is an assumption which challenged directly the political integrity of all the other European states .
4 We usually assume that our minds can tell us a lot about what things are really like , but this is an idea which Proust , like Bergson , I may say , erm rather firmly rejects .
5 They are even admitted to be absurd by Tertullian — ‘ Credo quia absurdum ’ — and believed in for that very reason ; but this is an argument which does not enable us to distinguish which absurd propositions we are to believe Freud thought .
6 I have no wish to see the British Institute of Embalmers appearing in every other newspaper but this is an avenue which I believe requires a ‘ little push ’ to develop a presentation suitable for Rotary Clubs , church organisations , etc .
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