Example sentences of "[coord] are [adv] [adv] [vb pp] by " in BNC.

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1 The Hyades , extending from the bright orange star Aldebaran in Taurus ( the Bull ) cover a much wider area than the Pleiades , and are also somewhat overpowered by Aldebaran , which does not actually belong to the cluster at all , but merely happens to lie about midway between the Hyades and ourselves .
2 As such , little girls have a special ritual participation in Goddess-worship , are considered a source of good luck and are even occasionally worshipped by other Hindus .
3 These volcanoes are large landforms which load the underlying crust and are partly isostatically supported by deep roots ( Fig. 5.4 ) .
4 When men live in the transcendent they become lost to the world ; it is as if they speak an unknown language and are no longer understood by other men .
5 Because of their position they often interfere with the bit and are sometimes even broken by the bit .
6 Hymns and modal chants are still regularly published by this community and are very widely used by Anglicans .
7 After all , when you have laboured in the engine room for several years and are then suddenly confronted by some of the highest honours the sport can confer it is understandable that a player might believe he is living in another world .
8 These frequently need large amounts of earth moved , particularly the broader-based ridge terrace , and are therefore frequently built by terracers or graders .
9 Because of the interdisciplinary nature of the subject , and because our archaeology students have acquired considerable experience in working with field research teams , graduates are to be found working in archaeological posts but are also keenly appreciated by employers in a very wide variety of jobs in business , industry and the public service .
10 They can be created with many of the electronic publishing packages but are often better produced by a dedicated forms program .
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