Example sentences of "[coord] it should be [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ depth ’ of the lines is equally as important as the positioning and it should be such that the arms can almost be extended when hooked in .
2 The rolling stall turn is one of the most difficult manoeuvres and it should be apparent that it requires a clean , high powered , helicopter .
3 It is very difficult to see how Germany is less centralised and it should be clear that the ‘ subsidiarity ’ principle is merely an allocation of competence , as in the hierarchy of a company , rather than a distribution of power .
4 But it should be evident that it is true to his professed method , in that it executes a constant back-and-forth movement between the specific description of linguistic structures and the interpretation of the meaning of the poem as a whole .
5 But it should be clear that while one or two methods may be the most important for attributing coins to a mint or dating them , almost any other consideration can be important , depending on its relevance or on the accidents of survival .
6 Nothing can prevent people from saying that the answers he gave were not ‘ adult or ‘ fundamental ’ , but it should be obvious that such adjectives are as culture biased as Saruman 's ‘ real ’ : by themselves they express only the prejudices of the user .
7 After a time this ability becomes as instinctive as is the power of singing or whistling a note of any pitch desired , but it should be obvious that horn parts should keep to ‘ vocal ’ intervals or stepwise movement as far as possible .
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