Example sentences of "[coord] it 's [adj] for the " in BNC.

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1 Money from rubbish — it 's a can of worms that 's every entrepenur 's dream and it 's good for the environment .
2 Erm people tend to relate back er and think that in theory it 's a nice welfare thing , and it 's nice for the community , and they do sterling work , do n't get me wrong , because I think they are a vital part of a community but , how much of a deterrent they are er , we are , we are unable to measure .
3 ‘ The NFU is well known for representing farmers , and it 's necessary for the BHA to be easily understood as representing the hospitality industry in all its forms , ’ he said .
4 I like to think of us all as a successful unit and it 's disruptive for the others if one member persistently refuses to conform as you do . ’
5 It 's a wonderful sight , and it 's important for the public to see it .
6 When the garment is done , simply rinse the ink off the perspex and it 's ready for the next time .
7 I would imagine it 'll be a very , very similar sort of game , er hopefully we 'll get the right result , but it 's good for the club to have a good run .
8 But it 's late for the bees already .
9 Decisions about the nature of planning will of course vary greatly from school to school , but it 's important for the head to remember that we accomplish most when the staff and children are working together .
10 But it 's wonderful for the children to be able to grow up in this beautiful place . ’
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