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31 Consequently , meat and milk are not available in sufficient quantities and it is rationed on an equitable basis , For example , in Guazapa , children receive five , glasses of milk a week — but even such small quantities represent a significant advance for the majority of campesino families , accustomed to a diet restricted to tortillas and beans .
32 Provision for the industrially disabled comes under the 1946 National Insurance ( Industrial Injuries ) Act and it is operated alongside the main insurance scheme .
33 It is true that the Derbyshire County Council is a public authority and it is engaged in an attempt to discourage a national newspaper from critical comment about its affairs by an action for damages .
34 This on the contrary is the work of political genius requiring the ripest wisdom and the freshest vigour , and it is done with an elegance and a style that will compel and will receive an instinctive respect throughout the civilized world .
35 This course is very widely available and it is pitched at the right level for the medical teacher .
36 This benefit is not a free gift to women , as its enemies claim , but the equivalent of a tax allowance for having children ( recognised in other European countries ) , and it is targeted upon the very person on whom responsibility falls — the mother .
37 Sponsors put a percentage of their overall commitment into this fund and it is divided among the squad , who will receive around £2,000 each after the Five Nations Championship .
38 ‘ Whatever views there may be as to the suitability and continued use of the grey gate , it is the method of starting the Grand National , and it is approved by the Jockey Club , ’ said managing director Charles Barnett .
39 Finally there is a fifth meaning , which possibly has some evolutionary connection with the fourth meaning , and it is used for the instinctive affection of parents for the offspring .
40 It is possible that lithium has an effect on the conduction in an axon by replacing the sodium ion and it is used in the treatment of depressive illness .
41 The cast iron surfacing tables are 1630mm long , and it is powered by a 4hp three phase motor .
42 The University has committed significant resources to the Centre , associated with the transfer of Dr Peter Bruce to St Andrews , and it is equipped with a wide range of electrochemical techniques .
43 It has 4 classrooms , a large student room and it is equipped with a self-access centre containing video machines , computers and a mini-language laboratory .
44 The age of organ-building goes back at least to Louis the Pious , for whom a Venetian priest called George built an organ at Aachen in 826 , and it is reflected in the lively illustrations of organs in the Utrecht Psalter , a Reims manuscript of about 830 .
45 The premaxillary lengthening in Graecopithecus is a highly derived character shared with the African apes , and it is combined with the development of an incisive canal and an extended nasoalveolar clivus .
46 The rhythm that persists in such constant routines must be caused internally and it is produced by the body clock .
47 We have used the term ‘ vernacular ’ in a different way : for us it is a ‘ primitive ’ term roughly synonymous with ‘ real language in use ’ , and it is interpreted on a continuum of relative closeness to , or distance from , the idealized norm , or ( in some cases ) the idealized standard language .
48 This tunnel is the only entrance to the city itself , and it is protected by a fortress at each end .
49 This idea has received much support and it is known as the ‘ trait theory ’ of leadership .
50 Boddenham is not traceable later than 1459 ; and it is known from the membership list of the confraternity of St Nicholas , the London guild of parish clerks , that Bedingham ( already a member in 1449 ) died between 3 May 1459 and 22 May 1460 .
51 And it is linked to the themes of the latest Man with the Guinness ad campaign .
52 This is called the fill light , and it is set on the other side of the camera to reduce the depth of the shadows and to soften the modelling of the subject .
53 However , I can tell you that the title is The Life & Times Of Henry Pratt and it is set during the years 1936 to 1953 .
54 The inward investment is will continue to be a source of new jobs and it is encouraged as a as making a contribution to new jobs , but is never going to be a major contributor to new job growth .
55 Hampden Babylon is a sado-masochistic history of Scottish football and it is dedicated to the imperfections that makes the game great .
56 And it is specialised over the years in craft training , particularly in relation to the building and engineering trades , and has made unique provision in the district for the less able .
57 According to Willis there is the hypothesis that skilled workers create a culture which is complete in itself and it is centred round an involvement , even excitement , in the technological process , its tasks and activities .
58 In the industrialized countries political problems have a different character , for although , as I have shown , economic growth is still a major objective , this does not involve the kind of social upheaval which accompanies rapid industrialization and the transition from agricultural to industrial production ; and it is pursued in a context of other political concerns .
59 By thus consenting they form one body politic and it is implied in the contract that the majority have the right to conclude for the rest and let me quote for when any number of men have by the consent of every individual made a community they have thereby made that community one body with a power to act as one body which is only by the will and determination of the majority it being necessary to that which is one body to move one way a single body ca n't move in two opposite directions simultaneously .
60 The geology of the basin is varied and it is dominated by the massive Golden Lane carbonate platform .
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