Example sentences of "[coord] it is [adv] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 When she has been a carer in the family and she can no longer fulfil this role or it is no longer needed
2 The generally accepted dates for these campaigns are 817/1414 and 818/1415 ; and it is likewise generally accepted that the second resulted in a much more decisive Ottoman success than the first .
3 It is generally accepted , for example , that the Duzme Mustafa who opposed both Mehmed I and Murad II was executed in 825/1422 , though there is , admittedly , a story that he made good his escape to Kefe ; and it is likewise generally held that Ibrahim Pasa held the office of Grand Vezir uninterruptedly from his appointment in 824/1421 ( ? ) until his death in 832/1429 .
4 PROVIDED ALWAYS and it is hereby expressly agreed and declared as follows :
5 A good path follows the full length of the summit ridge , and it is most conveniently gained by starting at the spa town of Great Malvern , towards the northern end of the range .
6 Although there is no doubt that this view is supported in London — which tends to see the West in terms of an Anglo-Saxon axis and the ‘ special relationship ’ between Britain and the United States — France has reservations and it is clearly not shared by southern European nations .
7 Many of us probably purchased a camera in the seventies or eighties and it is probably now sitting in a cupboard unused , following the invasion of the small fully-automatic camera .
8 This eye-mask device is extremely common among fish , with literally hundreds of species employing it , and it is also widely seen in snakes and frogs .
9 It has been calculated that , at some point in her life , one woman in five will be infected with this parasite and it is also generally accepted that the organism is almost exclusively sexually transmitted .
10 This is the firm 's minimax profit , and it is also often referred to as its ‘ security level ’ , since the firm can not be forced to take a lower profit than that .
11 And and it is also perhaps distracted er attention from the interesting disagreements also taking place at the Labour party conference this week between the one more pushes , if I might describe them and the hard liners who believe you 've got to be radical .
12 Chairman , if , if I may and it is just basically to look at the recommendation and wonder you know perhaps if we 've got it the right way round er that 's all , where we 're saying er there are certain things still outstanding wh which we would need to re-relate before er issuing er general conformity notices I understand b but we 're almost taking that they 're going to do that without any doubt , now I do n't know maybe there are things not said in this report which are well understood , but and members of are quite happy to accept erm er s some more more changes to , to the local plan so that it does conform with with the structure plan , but I just wondered whether round the wrong way .
13 The great Ewan MacColl wrote the hill walker 's anthem , The Manchester Rambler , as a tribute to those who took part in the Great Trespass on Kinder Scout in 1932 and it is therefore particularly fitting that Fay Godwin should have chosen another of his poems to end her book Our Forbidden Land .
14 The great Ewan MacColl wrote the hill walker 's anthem , The Manchester Rambler , as a tribute to those who took part in the Great Trespass on Kinder Scout in 1932 and it is therefore particularly fitting that Fay Godwin should have chosen another of his poems to end her book Our Forbidden Land .
15 There is no mechanism to enforce user involvement and it is therefore often ignored or at best lip-service paid to it .
16 Much of the heat has by now gone out of these arguments , and it is fairly generally accepted , first that college librarians should be appointed on teaching scales and given academic status by nature of their work , and secondly that the work of a college librarian implies the librarian 's own active participation as a librarian in the college 's educational programme .
17 Much of it is not new ; and it is perhaps better described as ‘ market economics ’ [ Brittan , 1975 ] .
18 And it is still firmly embedded in the common man 's common sense , a fact which unscrupulous politicians are all too eager to exploit .
19 The county council started the EDDR almost 50 years ago and it is still not finished .
20 Now it is standing at a huge sum , growing rapidly , and it is still not going where it is needed ’ .
21 The point to note about the above defences is that if they are given a wide construction by the courts ( and it is too soon to tell , as too few cases have been brought ) , then the risk of prosecution diminishes even further .
22 I have gained much pleasure from this music , which was new to me , and it is very well played by Cantilena under Adrian Shepherd .
23 Childebert 's reign over the combined kingdoms of Sigibert and Guntram was short , and it is very poorly recorded .
24 The debate is a profound one and it is only just beginning to reach out to a wider audience .
25 That is , the person who is selling the product and service can persuade potential clients to buy the service , and it is only really limited by the quality of people selling the service .
26 Later that same year both Sandoz and Geigy acquired a financial interest in CAC and it is now wholly owned by Ciba-Geigy .
27 Using this method conflicting findings have been reported in studies of diabetic subjects ( Dollery et al , 1979 ; Davis et al , 1981 ) , and it is now generally accepted that there may be considerable non-specific interference in assaying this metabolite in plasma which might explain the different findings ( Greaves & Preston , 1982 ; Dollery et al , 1983 ) .
28 There is a rich variety of different forecasting procedures , and it is now generally accepted that no one method is ‘ best ’ in every situation , but rather that the choice depends on various practical considerations .
29 And it is now equally clear that Mrs Thatcher 's response to this ultimatum was similarly direct .
30 As we have shown , it remained a separate establishment following the reorganization of public sector higher education in Wales and it is now widely recognized as a national institution offering full-time and part-time courses for professional performers of Music and Drama , together with honours BEd .
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