Example sentences of "[coord] it be to [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They are not well off , but they are not on the breadline and it is to our credit that we have a structure that supports people when they are between jobs .
2 It is this idea of social solidarity that provided Leon Duguit with the basis of his theory of law and it is to his work that we now turn .
3 The most observant reporter of saying things by means of deeds was the late Erving Goffmann , and it is to his work that I would like to dedicate the rest of this lecture .
4 I wrote to the Secretary of State for the Environment and was told that it was really a matter for the chief environmental officer of the local authority , but when I took the matter up with the local environmental officer , his response — and it is to his credit that he responded — was , ’ Well , it may be bad , but it is not really so bad that I must take any action . ’
5 And it was to their credit that they accepted the new er system er and the new times .
6 ‘ We think as you 're out o ’ pocket enough , what wi' buyin' the timber , an' it 's to our advantage , ’ a carpenter explained — the man who had been cheated by the coal merchant .
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