Example sentences of "[coord] it [is] [adj] for [pron] " in BNC.

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1 if the driver is prevented from proceeding by circumstances beyond his control or it is necessary for him to stop in order to avoid an accident- or
2 However , if the department or faculty you are interested in is not listed , or it is impossible for you to come on the given dates , then we will do our best to arrange an individual visit for you provided you give us plenty of advance notice .
3 Second , even where this is the case , no warranty is implied if the circumstances show that the buyer does not rely , or it is unreasonable for him to rely , on the skill or judgment of the seller in deciding whether or not the goods are in fact suitable for that purpose .
4 I need , at the moment in terms of corrective action on quiffs , I am sending quiffs out to procedure owners , and I need to know whether suggestive procedure changes or not , and it 's better for me if it is out in that order then I can go through and mark the quiffs off as being erm the changes or not .
5 She says it 's ages since she 's done any exercise , and it 's good for her .
6 She 's OK ’ with Mrs Lennox and it 's good for her to get away from me for a bit just now and again .
7 But we 've got a young side at Cardiff now and it 's good for them to play against these players , to see that they 're only human beings after all . ’
8 And it 's good for us to recognise and to be aware and to realize , that in a day when we are so often just numbers , that as individuals we matter to God .
9 girls they go shopping like but they always got another carrier did n't they until they got sold and then when er they 're on the next road from their house like take the carrier and it 's all for her .
10 He said , and then I got you to come along , he said , and it 's all for nothing .
11 And it 's dangerous for you , as well .
12 It does n't necessarily mean that they 're unscrupulous in the way that they get their own way ; they just have very clear ideas and it 's impossible for them to see it any other way . ’
13 and he used to come home looking as white as a sheet sick to the teeth and he used to just go to bed and collapse in a heap , he is n't strong enough to do it and it 's pointless for him to try but other than that he can do anything he fancies .
14 ‘ I did pick up a lot of younger listeners with the early evening shows and it 's harder for them to tune in now , which I regret , but , without wanting to sound melodramatic , I would have done myself a mischief if I 'd carried on and I already feel better . ’
15 ‘ I did pick up a lot of younger listeners with the early evening shows and it 's harder for them to tune in now , which I regret , but , without wanting to sound melodramatic , I would have done myself a mischief if I 'd carried on and I already feel better . ’
16 It is n't her fault that people keep running after her , and it 's unpleasant for her , people jumping on and off … ’
17 By this point people are usually very capable and confident and it 's unusual for them to fail .
18 An amendment that the palace be run jointly with the Graduate Union was turned down on the grounds that ‘ the Graduates are too old and it 's bad for their health . ’
19 Pressed glass became fashionable in the 19th century , and it 's ideal for anyone who wants to start a collection as there are still some bargains to be found — look for it at junk shops and car-boot sales .
20 ‘ I remember — and it 's lucky for you no one asked any awkward questions about what happened along the way when you and Anna spent a night together . ’
21 And it 's important for me to clear that side of it on the basis that you have no responsibility for setting the assignments up .
22 And it 's important for our staff to be aware of that , and to realize that we have got ta continue to give , those two clients I believe in particular , the best possible service we can provide .
23 It is now a classically wedge-shaped dairy cow , particularly fine about the neck and shoulders , with an alert carriage and generally elegant appearance ; its mild temperament makes it very easy to handle and it is famous for its productive longevity .
24 Young people with no job lose confidence and it is easy for them to slide into living in reversal of night and day .
25 According to his account to the House of Commons , Baldwin replied : ‘ Sir , that is most grievous news , and it is impossible for me to make any comment on it today . ’
26 This means that the worst score a Forest Goblin can get on the ‘ Eadbangerz Chart is 2 ( ‘ I fink I 'm gon na … ’ ) and it is impossible for him to ‘ Eadbang .
27 His basic proposition was ‘ That which is is , and it is impossible for it not to be . ’
28 At this time of year , mid-Autumn , the snow has usually not arrived in Tromsø and it is possible for you to have the hills to yourself in Tromsdalen or , better , in Lyngen , but this year there was already a metre of the stuff down at sea level .
29 And it is necessary for us to hide it as well . ’
30 If he has not done much gardening before , you can work together , so that you can enjoy sharing the tasks , and it is easier for you to assess when the patient has had enough .
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