Example sentences of "[coord] you 'll have [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You will also have completed the RYA Theory certificate , or you 'll have a sound working knowledge of navigation .
2 Be cool and distant and you 'll have every man at your feet and every woman ready to tear your eyes out . "
3 And you 'll have no problem , yes .
4 ‘ Be your own lawyer and you 'll have a fool for a client ’ , is an adage that calls for another : ‘ Employ a lawyer and he 'll have a pauper for a client ’ — Sunday Times .
5 And you 'll have a chat with him .
6 Yes , and you 'll have a tableful of bees if you do n't watch out .
7 You know , like , you 'll have a book , like The Hobbit , and you 'll have a map of all the places that are in the book , a fantasy kind of world .
8 Guido straightened slightly as he went on to observe , ‘ I 'm sure we 'll succeed more quickly working together — and you 'll have a chance to see more of this country you like so much … ’
9 Nevertheless , you 'll have a great deal to talk about within Congress and you 'll have a lot more time to do so .
10 Throw that in as well , and you 'll have a pass .
11 The emphasis at Cedar Falls is on stress management and you 'll have the chance to learn specific relaxation techniques .
12 Neat back-drops on this stage but you 'll have no time to enjoy them ; duck , shoot , duck , it 'll quack you up !
13 You , Mother , may stay or go , but you 'll have no control of any of the affairs , either outside or inside the house .
14 For the next couple of weeks while I get to know how the station works I shall be like your shadow , Fran , but you 'll have the comfort of knowing that it 's all in the line of business . ’
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