Example sentences of "[coord] i [verb] [pers pn] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Secretary of State for Scotland will recall that , when my colleagues and I met him and the Secretary of State for the Environment during the consultation period on local government funding , we argued our case on local income tax and pursued the issue of costing .
2 Erm that we had no alternative to do what we did er that C I D officers would speak to him and I believe that he would better understand er wh why we have done what we did er and I assured him that the damage to his door will would be repaired .
3 I 'm buying material where the tape measures are big , so I get extra , and I sell it where the tape measures are small , so they do n't get as much as they think they 've got .
4 I walked back from the Meeting with Quintin who knew by then that he was Macmillan 's selection , and I told him that the idea had my support .
5 dropped Asdir off and she drove away and I saw her and the four children go , along to the house
6 I think of him as an artist who writes history , and I take it that the history he writes includes the history he has principally suffered — that of Poland .
7 That is absolutely incorrect , and I take it that the hon. Gentleman is dissociating himself from Labour Front Bench policy on the Maastricht settlement .
8 I am very well aware of the need for security , and I assure you that the horses are well guarded . ’
9 I recently met the Japanese Keidanren when they visited this country , and I reassured them that the Government continue to welcome and support Japanese investment in this country .
10 ‘ You love , you love me and no other and I love you and no other .
11 Erm but I hope you because the panel could actually look at this in , in some detail , erm not just one meeting if necessary , I mean , it could go over two or more er meetings and the other thing Michael was talking about , you know , where the big sites , where should they be .
12 but I know it cos the other week when I had to work till half past eight for Peter , he was having a dinner party and erm we went down there , I had to go shopping with him , he made me die cos he asked me if I 'd work a bit later and I said yeah I need the money , so I 'll work later so er he made me die because he said in this flare up , this argument when when I worked that day , I mean , I worked all day , I had nothing to eat and I could n't eat af , you know , cos of this trouble I could n't eat after
13 This was a parting gift but I dropped mine and the bloody dogs were on it in a flash , whilst Benjamin , kind as ever , gave his to the page who served us .
14 I regret that I disagree with my hon. Friend , but I assure her that the levels have returned to those of 1987 .
15 I do not know whether I have the best answer to that , but I remind them that the Bill relates only to those utilities that have been privatised and to which a policy of independent regulators applies .
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