Example sentences of "[coord] i [verb] [adv] [verb] it " in BNC.

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31 complained how he says I 've got one of his and I had n't got it , it 's Linda that had got it .
32 And I had n't enjoyed it !
33 It was one of those trivial things and I had entirely forgotten it when Mrs Rumney phoned again .
34 and I had never felt it anywhere else and I 've never felt it since !
35 It had been held every year since I was five , and I had only missed it once , the year I was in Nigeria .
36 And I had foolishly thought it would be the easiest fee I 'd ever earned .
37 She held out a twisted hand and I stepped forward to shake it lightly .
38 ‘ You accused me of having a lover and I chose not to deny it . ’
39 John the butcher at erm butcher this morning and I said never say it 's gon na snow , I said , it wo n't snow will it John ?
40 When my eyes had grown accustomed to the darkness I saw its silhouette and I reached out to touch it , it was rough and had nodules growing from it .
41 I felt as if someone had stuck a knife into me — I started to hate Africa then and I went on hating it — I began to hate a lot of things I had n't minded before , when I was happy .
42 Tony Visconti : ‘ When David and Angela found the enormous Victorian house , Haddon Hall , in Beckenham , my girlfriend and I went along to see it and we loved it .
43 Hirst said last night : ‘ The ball was running away and I went in to win it .
44 It was my first 6-day race and I came here to enjoy it with no plan or target , so I 'm very happy to have had such a successful run . ’
45 Experience was all , and I set out to grab it with both hands , drifting from country to country , from one relationship to another , a heedless , hedonistic round with never a thought for tomorrow .
46 He says , you know , what do you think and I say well look it 's up to you and I put the question back to him and say well what do you think ?
47 It works , and the fish flips over onto its side for an instant and I heave desperately to keep it coming .
48 It was beautiful and I sat down to enjoy it .
49 ‘ Well , it is cold and I do not want it .
50 There is a significant difference , and I do not feel it is only a class and an age difference , between the spare dignity of the oath Marco has learned from his early years and the oath which the Rat has devised as part of the game he has created for his Club :
51 I have never heard this case made in anything like the explicit fashion in which I have just outlined it , and I do not think it ever would be publicly made .
52 I take the view that , having regard to the recitals and to the terms of the order , one can read into the order itself the element of compromise , but again I do not think it is important for the decision of this case ; because the compromise , if compromise it was , was between the plaintiffs and Jack Bernardout , and I do not think it enures for the benefit of Joseph Bernardout , the defendant in these proceedings .
53 It is the doing of one or more acts which individually or collectively amount to such adverse interference with or usurpation of the owner 's rights which constitute appropriation under section 3(1) and I do not think it matters where there is more than one such act in which order the successive acts take place , or whether there is any interval of time between them .
54 But we all we can do is reflect the position of women in society , and I do not think that what 's we 're about and I do not think it 's what the parliamentary Labour party .
55 Of course we hope that Dounreay will diversify and look for work outside nuclear tasks , especially in the area of alternative and renewable energies ; but we all know that the fast reactor programme will cease in 1994 and I do not think it right that , as a matter of policy , the hon. Lady should seek to shut off the work going on there to reprocess nuclear fuel .
56 W. 's unhappy history is fully set out in the judgment of Lord Donaldson of Lymington M.R. and I do not repeat it here .
57 I did not know the answer then , and I do not know it now .
58 Now I have been digressing and let me say quite clearly that I never knew the answer and I do not know it now , how the tremendously high level of morale was sustained , not just in the Pathfinders , but throughout the Command as a whole .
59 I do not want it and I do not understand it .
60 A decision to the contrary in the British Columbia Court of Appeal , City of Prince George v. British Columbia Television System Ltd. , 95 D.L.R. ( 3d ) 577 , held that a municipality could sue for libel , but did not consider the argument of competing interests and the balancing exercise required under article 10 , and I do not consider it to be relevant to this appeal .
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