Example sentences of "[coord] i [verb] [pron] all the " in BNC.

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1 I hold nothing against them and I wish them all the best .
2 ’ That says everything about their professionalism and I wish them all the best for the future .
3 But his sacking was an injustice and I wish him all the best in his appeal . ’
4 He added : ‘ Tony and I are good friends and I wish him all the best .
5 I hope that the Minister is more successful with his new portfolio than his predecessors were and I wish him all the best in the difficult task that lies ahead of him .
6 So it just leaves me to say well done and thank you most sincerely for 1991 and I wish you all the success and happiness for the New Year !
7 I thought : ‘ Well , you wanted a working-class original , and that 's what you 've got , ’ and I ate it all the best way I could — fingers and all .
8 Well you can but I suppose it all the juices you know , have a better taste on than if you
9 But I loved it all the same .
10 But I have them all the time .
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