Example sentences of "[coord] i [be] [adj] [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 ( I am angry over an act of injustice or I wonder at the sight of Niagara Falls or I am pleased with my Christmas present . )
2 ‘ Why , Wilson , ’ Mrs Browning said , opening her eyes wide , ‘ it had not occurred to me , nor I am sure to my husband , to think Ferdinando might not go with us .
3 Sandra is deprived of her life and I am deprived of her company , love , and laughter because some creature chose to drink six or seven whiskies and drove home . ’
4 It is a serious and awful affair and I am sure in your own cases you would be of my mind .
5 I agree with my hon. Friend , and I am grateful for his support .
6 And I am grateful for your openness . ’
7 The Parkinson 's Disease Society has been in touch with me , and I am grateful to its chief executive , Mrs. Mary Baker , both for information and for helping me understand the problems .
8 I have had the opportunity of discussing the matter in detail with him on two occasions and I am conscious of his considerable knowledge and experience .
9 And I am aware of my past life ; I feel it looming up behind me , breathing lightly on the nape of my neck .
10 Technology is a wonderful thing and I 'm one of its greatest fans .
11 ‘ It 's a wonderful opportunity , Christian , and I 'm grateful for your trust in me but you 've already agreed to sell me that fifty acres of new land .
12 ‘ He 's beautiful , father , and I 'm delighted with your gift .
13 ‘ I know she came to Oxford and I 'm certain in my own mind that she came to Breakspear College .
14 ‘ So I used a rusty tyre lever and a mallet , and I 'm sorry about your woodwork . ’
15 And I 'm stuck behind my terminal at work , so here 's the result :
16 ‘ I grew anxious when you did not appear , but you had good reason , and I 'm glad of your foresight in this matter . ’
17 A step outside and I 'm conscious of my bare head and arms .
18 I do n't like her being there , and I 'm lonely on my own .
19 In my experience the S I B when they receive these sort of complaints do investigate them very thoroughly , and I 'm surprised at his experience .
20 I know my sister , and I know Adam , and I 'm clear in my mind that before you came along there were no outward signs that anything was amiss .
21 I told General Francis this in one of the quiet intervals when he and I were alone with his sleeping son .
22 There 's been no reaction to my match and I was pleased with my performance .
23 He did the things that he is good at very well and I was pleased with my own strengths , ’ he said .
24 ‘ I did not join the party until after the war and I was ignorant about its structure and discipline .
25 Recently my father-in-law died , and I was anxious for our children to go and see him and say goodbye .
26 This was the first time I had used a vauDe tent and I was impressed with its performance .
27 She peered appraisingly at herself in the mirror , pulling faces as if she were alone , and I was embarrassed by her candour .
28 Like most boys , I felt a need to conform , and I was embarrassed by my parents .
29 It stood there , motionless , and I was amazed at my luck ; it is very rare indeed to see a bittern in the open like this , and in daytime .
30 Strathbeg is one of the least known and yet most delightful lochs in Scotland and I was aware of its reputation , having discovered it whilst researching my book The Trout Lochs of Scotland , although I had never fished there .
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