Example sentences of "[coord] the [noun prp] [vb past] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 By good fortune , not to mention cool-headed driving , neither the deer nor the Mercedes came to grief .
2 Poland and the Ukraine agreed on Sept. 8 to establish diplomatic relations in the near future .
3 At the end of November , however , he was able to make one last trip to his native land , and the Eliots stayed in New York for the whole of December .
4 As a result of preliminary agenda-setting discussions on Jan. 3-4 , round table talks on political and economic reform involving the BCP , the BAPU and the UDF convened on Jan. 16 .
5 Belgium , Luxembourg and the Netherlands announced in May that they had joined the 1987 Missile Technology Control Regime ( MTCR ) which committed industrialized countries to restricting missile proliferation in the developing world .
6 In 1983 production increased from 58.3 MTOE ( 1982 ) to 61.5 MTOE and the Netherlands proposed to Britain that Dutch gas could replace Norwegian should the two parties be unable to reach an agreement on Sleipner as subsequently proved to be the case .
7 Talks between Rwandan government delegates and the FPR opened in Gbadolite on Sept. 17 , with Mobutu as mediator .
8 Bonn urged negotiations and the Pope arrived in England after uncertainty about the visit .
9 The document used above was presented as input to the semantic analyser , and the CED used in place of the OALD as the source of definitions .
10 In their first formal encounter since the founding of the African National Congress ( ANC ) in 1912 , representatives of the government and the ANC met in Cape Town on May 2-4 , 1990 , for preliminary talks aimed at removing obstacles to future negotiations on a post-apartheid constitution .
11 A joint statement by COSATU and the ANC issued on Nov. 5 said : " A referendum was held in the streets of our country today .
12 The government and the ANC proposed after talks last week to hold the two-day planning conference next week , but Mr Meyer said yesterday that the ANC had accepted the new date .
13 Glen Barr of Vanguard and the UDA went to Libya to seek financial support from Colonel Gadaffi for an independent Ulster and was quickly accused of communism by Clifford Smyth , then a leading DUP Assemblyman , who told the DUP 's annual conference in November 1974 that Libya was a ‘ significant springboard for Russian subversion in Western Europe ’ .
14 Our grandstand view proved to have its drawbacks as day and night literally hundreds of animals were ritually slaughtered in front of us , and the Rante reeked with blood .
15 Louvre Accord 1987 The finance ministers and central bank governors of Canada , France , West Germany , Japan , the UK , and the USA met in February 1987 ( at the Louvre ) and agreed to intensify efforts at economic policy coordination to promote more balanced economic growth and reduce existing imbalances .
16 The prospect of a transatlantic trade war loomed closer after negotiators from the European Communities ( EC ) and the USA failed during September and October to break the protracted deadlock over farm subsidies in the Uruguay Round of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) [ see pp. 38601-02 ; 38746 ; 38842 ; 38888-89 ] .
17 As laid down in the Mexico City agreement reached in September 1989 [ see p. 36890 ] , the first of a series of monthly meetings between high-level representatives of the government and the FMLN began in Costa Rica on Oct. 15-18 , with two bishops as mediators and with representatives of the UN and the Organization of American States ( OAS ) as observers .
18 Little real progress was achieved , however , and the FMLN broke off peace negotiations on Nov. 2 after a trade union headquarters was blown up by a car bomb [ see pp. 37037-38 ] .
19 The total number of boat people in Hong Kong had reached some 56,000 as of October 1989 [ see p. 36975 ] , and the UK had in January 1990 failed to secure international approval for a policy of involuntary repatriation [ see pp. 37121-22 ; 37185 ] .
20 While West Germany and the UK argued in favour of removing most restrictive legislation ( although the UK had appealed for the treatment of certain oil and gas projects as a special case , while West Germany and Spain had made similar appeals for their coal industries ) , France and Italy demanded that they be allowed to retain their rules restricting the access of foreign contractors to certain projects in these fields .
21 The strength of local and international protest was shown in the first week on January this year , when 2,000 protestors from the US , the UK and test sites in Kazakhstan and the Pacific joined with Shoshone representatives in a mass trespass onto the Nevada Site .
22 Both the round table and the Volkskammer voted on Feb. 5 to ban activities of the West German neo-Nazi Republicans , whose leader had already repeatedly been denied entrance to the country in recent months .
23 On touching down , after completing the first trans-Atlantic flight , the field turned out to be a bog , and the Vimy went in nose first .
24 A new contract between Equity and the IPA came into force during 1979 which meant that ‘ repeat ’ fees — the fees paid to an artist for each showing of a commercial — were increased fourfold , so that repeat fees for one actor for a fairly heavily used commercial could reach £20000 a year .
25 PP : We have heard evidence suggesting that the conditions imposed by the banks and the IMF led to rises in the price of food which may have contributed to the death of Inday Rodriguez .
26 Lindsey was lost and the Humber restored as Northumbria 's southern frontier .
27 As we filmed , the tanks rolled by and the Migs flew over head
28 Both he and the Major waited for Harrison to say something .
29 There was a local tradition that Gloucester and the Stanleys came to blows over the division of authority , and their continuing rivalry may lie behind a royal command in 1476 that the tenants of Congleton should attend ‘ only upon the king 's highness and in his absence upon the lord Stanley ’ .
30 There was a local tradition that Gloucester and the Stanleys came to blows over the division of authority , and their continuing rivalry may lie behind a royal command in 1476 that the tenants of Congleton should attend ‘ only upon the king 's highness and in his absence upon the lord Stanley ’ .
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