Example sentences of "[coord] the [noun sg] to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was hard to tell what the tide was doing , for I could n't see the shore , but each time the anchor held the dinghy would be carried one way or the other to the extent of her scope .
2 Or the door to the hall ? ’
3 In the essay ‘ Theatum philosophicum ’ ( 1970 ) , written shortly after the Archaeology , Foucault attempts to avoid the snares of the problem of the relation of the event to the totality , or the particular to the general , that beset both Sartre and Althusser , by arguing that the event as event is only constituted through its repetition in thought as a ‘ phantasm ’ : ‘ it makes the event indefinite so that it repeats itself as a singular universal ’ .
4 Folly was n't sure if her growing feeling of euphoria was due to Luke 's excitement about the Rose Bowl 's possibilities — or the commitment to the future of their relationship that his willingness to help her implied .
5 The pathname is the name of the directory or the path to the directory in which the file will be found or created .
6 British Gas should be contacted to check if a service is available on or adjacent to the site , and the cost to the developer of provision of any new or extension to existing mains .
7 Some who are still young enough plan a baby without a husband , but the cost to the mother will be high and the cost to the child , who has no choice in the matter , may be even higher .
8 Service to your customers should be reliable , attractive and punctual , at acceptable fares and charges ; and the cost to the taxpayer should be reduced ’ ( reprinted in MMC 1987 : 257 ) .
9 The risk and the cost to the customer is thus under control and there is a relationship between cost and reduction of risk .
10 Little new factual material is to be found in Revealing the Universe but where the editors , J. Cornell and A. P. Lightman , do score is in their unique combination of subjects and authors , and the approach to the material .
11 Instead she was gazing sombrely out of the window of a smart Mercedes taxi as it left behind the flat landscaped suburbs of the island of Amager , crossing the bridge to the main island of Zealand and the approach to the city of Copenhagen .
12 We found the taxi driver who took him and the girl to the station and witnesses who saw them get on the train .
13 On 9 October 1979 the building society submitted the transfer , the legal charge and the discharge to the Land Registry for registration .
14 However pleased she was to revel in the shimmersilk robes of garnet and lavender , their perfumed delight was as insubstantial as light through caramel compared with the security of the only place the fresh-born Chesarynth knew — and the gateway to the starscape of meanings called through the tides of her blood .
15 £4,000 would be applied to the building and the rest to the endowment ; the builder had received £2,000 on account .
16 The first Carolingian king , Pippin I , in 754/5 had specified " concerning the mint , that of each pound of silver , not more than 22 solidi were to be minted , of which one must go to the moneyer and the rest to the lord [ king ] " : since the account pound used in normal business reckoning contained 20 solidi , Pippin was in effect decreeing a royal mint charge of 1 solidus , i.e. 5 per cent .
17 His move , in January 1988 , turned out to be one of the scheduling masterstrokes of the ‘ 80s , and within months the soap 's ratings had soared towards the 20 million mark and the top to the TV charts .
18 I refer the Home Secretary and the Minister to the article that appeared in The Guardian on Wednesday , 20 November , which gave the comments of the governor of the young offenders centre at Feltham in Middlesex .
19 And the door to the church — the vestry , or wherever he was — that was open ? ’
20 I 've got two back doors , there 's a storm porch and the door to the house and they 're both locked and bolted .
21 There were no lights on , but the bike and car were there , parked in an open-sided barn , and the door to the house was hanging open .
22 The master reported to the Board that a young woman named Annie H. had been sent to the workhouse immediately after her confinement by her mistress , Miss M. , of Woburn Road , and the clerk to the Board was directed to call the attention of the lady to the serious risk incurred by her in so doing .
23 On Founder 's Day in 1972 the Prime Warden of the Goldsmiths ' Company , the Viscount Amory , and the Clerk to the Company , Mr. W.A. Prideaux , journeyed from London to open the new Hall , and afterwards inspected the new buildings and met masters and boys .
24 There is a full agenda and the clerk to the council is optimistic that a large number of villagers will attend to give their views on local issues .
25 These were for the demobilization of all irregular " armed formations " throughout Yugoslav territory ( by midnight on July 18 ) , for the return of Slovenia 's borders to the situation prior to June 25 ( by midnight on July 16 ) , the release of all troops and the return to the JNA and the police of goods and equipment seized in Slovenia ( by midnight on July 15 ) and the lifting of blockades ( by midnight on July 13 ) .
26 The Court of Appeal , overruling the High Court judge , granted the injunction on the ground that in ‘ the balance of convenience ’ the wish to strike at this time was more than counterbalanced by the financial loss to the employers and the inconvenience to the public .
27 Protective measures included staying indoors during the passage of the radiation cloud ; the removal of the outer leaves and washing of vegetables , and the washing and peeling of fresh fruit ; the ban by Western European countries on the importation of fresh food from areas of Eastern Europe within 1000 km of Chernobyl ; the restriction in consumption of fresh milk and free-range eggs ; the removal of cattle and sheep from open pasture or a ban on their sale ( for example , 2.5 million sheep in parts of north Wales were prohibited temporarily from being moved or slaughtered ; Kerr et al. , 1989 ) ; the taking of prophylactic potassium iodide tablets to saturate the thyroid with iodine so as to minimize the amount of radioactive iodine being taken in ( this measure was adopted most extensively in Poland ) ; the advice not to drink fresh rainwater ; and the warning to the public about possible contamination during outdoor activity .
28 A green lane , on this day made even greener by the sunlight filtering through the leaves , led to a farm drive and the road to the village .
29 Public marches and rallies were banned in the city centre , including Tiananmen Square and the road to the airport .
30 This hollow , enclosed by a massive earthen bank , was the fishpond begun by the lord of the manor before his death in 1175 , and completed by his son : ‘ Odo de Berton grants to Roger de St John the land between the garden of Roger and the road to the bridge together with the moor where Thomas de St John began to make his fishpond , rendering yearly a pair of spurs or twopence . ’
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