Example sentences of "[coord] the [noun sg] [that] it has " in BNC.

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1 In this book we will be using the ‘ C-word ’ in these senses to refer to the present penal situation in England and Wales , albeit with slight embarrassment and the worry that it has been used so often and for so long that there is a danger that it may be losing its dramatic impact .
2 Thanks to our parliamentary system and the stability that it has given us , the British people have been spared the horrors of revolution , civil war and invasion for more than 300 years .
3 However , those who operate the law are well aware that it will only be respected to the extent that it conforms with public opinion : the reason why journalists and broadcasters are not prosecuted much more often for undoubted infringements of the letter of the laws of contempt and official secrecy is simply that the authorities are well aware that up-to-the-hilt enforcement of these vague laws would bring the law into further disrepute , and precipitate precisely the sort of clash between government and the press that it has been the British genius to avoid , whenever possible , by cosy arrangements .
4 The hon. Member for Foyle ( Mr. Hume ) has , much more eloquently than I could , told us of the damage that it does and the effect that it has on the young people of Northern Ireland because it gives them a future of either migration or unemployment .
5 Moreover , MDC 's relatively modest housing programme for the initial area , its mixture of public and private provision and the fact that it has not displaced existing residents prevented housing becoming the political minefield for MDC that it was for LDDC .
6 Banking and dealing room software house Kapiti Ltd reckons that it is reaping the rewards of investment in new product development , and the fact that it has spread itself over a wide geographical area .
7 Harvard has a reputation as the premier medical school in North America , and the fact that it has chosen to introduce sweeping changes in its course is likely to make other schools take stock of what it is doing .
8 I think its financial problems stem from its youth and the fact that it has ploughed whatever money it has back into the charity .
9 Presenting the award , Peter Ibbotson , construction and Engineering Director of Sainsburys , said : ‘ We were particularly impressed in the haulier improvement programme by the measured level of quality improvement and the fact that it has been sustained .
10 It is not the emotion which is negative , but the fact that it has been squelched .
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