Example sentences of "[coord] in [art] case of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It in no way means that other outcomes are not possible , particularly if the system is perturbed by say , bad weather , or a strike , or in the case of embryos , by experimental manipulation .
2 The two ideologies are by and large products of the revolution or in the case of liberalism perhaps of the of enlightened attitudes .
3 At the third level , are the SRO rules which emerge from this tailoring process ( or in the case of persons directly authorized by the SIB , the SIB rules ) .
4 There is a single series of square or in the case of Amphioplus sometimes tricuspid teeth .
5 This account of how aircraft accident investigations are conducted , or should be conducted , in the field is necessarily only a brief outline of what can take place and does not include much of the work that goes on when the wreckage is examined in detail in a hangar , or in the case of AIB at their substantial facility at Farnborough .
6 The five member countries ( Libya , Tunisia , Algeria , Morocco and Mauritania ) were represented by their heads of state , or in the case of Morocco by Foreign Affairs Minister Abdel Latif Filali ) .
7 This is usually due to insufficient pre-heating of the burner , or in the case of gas stoves , liquid gas collecting in the burner feed tube .
8 For example , many adult education institutes , traditionally non-vocational , now put on courses for specific language examinations , that is either GCSE or A-levels with a choice of examination boards , those of the Institute of Linguists , the RSA or in the case of EFL , the Cambridge examinations amongst many others .
9 And so they are — until he — or in the case of Lady Thatcher — she , sacks them .
10 In the budget on 19 March 1991 the Chancellor announced that there would be extra Government grant to enable the community charge bills originally set by councils to be reduced by £140 for every individual ( or in the case of Wandsworth to reduce the bill to £0 ) .
11 Soviet allies sometimes found themselves opposed to each other ( such as the Ba'athist governments of Syria and Iraq , or Ethiopia and Somalia ) , and others entered into agreements with Soviet adversaries ( both Angola and Mozambique , for instance , signed non-aggression agreements with South Africa in 1984 , and Soviet clients generally found it difficult to resist the powerful influence of Western governments and corporations , or in the case of Ethiopia , relief agencies ) .
12 Precious Metals Division 's performance was impacted by precious metal prices which were either flat or in the case of rhodium significantly lower .
13 Basically it means that the nervous system which passes through the wrist in the carpal tunnel has been stressed and the best cure is rest , or in the case of trigger finger , an injection or even an operation .
14 Time off in lieu or transferred day must be taken prior to the end of hte leave year or in the case of hte September holiday as soon as reasonably possible after the end of the leave year .
15 He writes : ‘ It would appear that a small number of club chairmen , or in the case of Arsenal their vice-chairman , believe they have some God-given right to an advantage — an unfair advantage — over their fellow members .
16 Nor in the case of animals will it undermine what we say of their consciousness , grounded as it is in their contiguity to the human paradigm .
17 It will all depend on the choice to be made by the national legislatures , and in the case of countries which make the third choice the employee 's option not to transfer may give the worker no more than he or she already has under the Mikkelsen doctrine i.e. the option of going over or resigning from employment with the transferor .
18 Such longings find expression in the Song of Mary ( Luke 1:46–55 ) , the prophecy of Zechariah ( Luke 1:68–79 ) , among Andrew , Simon Peter , Philip and Nathaniel as disciples of John the Baptist , who were encouraged by their self-effacing master to transfer their allegiance to Christ ( John 1:29–50 ) , by spiritually discerning Pharisees such as Nicodemus ( John 3:1–8 ) , and in the case of Joseph of Arimathea , a member of the Jerusalem Council , who ‘ was waiting for the coming of the Kingdom of God ’ ( Luke 23:50 , 51 ) .
19 Well they were chronicles , in a sense , erm there were chronicles very frequently written by interested parties , and in the case of Clarendon 's History , it was really an attempt to look back over some experiences which he himself had had , and in a way it is a , a , a classic of its kind .
20 In their quest to reduce costs , however , the Railfreight managers were keen to explore every way of streamlining their operations , and in the case of Severn Tunnel Junction it was found that total closure would bring substantial savings for relatively little inconvenience .
21 There are indications of a shift towards the use of English , which is least marked in domains outside [ sic ] the home and in the case of interactions between parents and grandparents but particularly noticeable in conversations with siblings .
22 In those days research workers were expected to earn their money by being practical , and in the case of materials they were expected to confine their experiments to proper engineering materials like wood and steel .
23 That is the saying and in the case of Chris Macleod he is certainly busy enough to qualify .
24 Harland is in discussions with a number of parties and in the case of Vickerys , which makes equipment for the paper and water industries , a potential purchaser has signed a letter of intent .
25 249 ) , and in the case of Eastwood v. Kenyon ( ( 1840 ) 11 Ad. & E. 438 ) .
26 But this often took years to achieve , and in the case of Friern and Claybury , the whole process was being telescoped into a period of months .
27 The various theories of war have attempted to explain its incidence , scale and intensity in terms of such influences ; and in the case of modem war Marxist thinkers have distinguished between wars arising from imperialist rivalries , those resulting from conflicts between socialist and capitalist countries , and anti-colonial wars of liberation , while other social theorists have emphasized the strength of nationalism and the rivalry between nation states , pointing out that national interests may give rise to military confrontations and the use of armed force even among ‘ socialist ’ countries , as was the case in Hungary ( 1956 ) and Czechoslovakia ( 1968 ) , and briefly in the relations between the Soviet Union and China .
28 Where there is no trust beneficiary who has a beneficial interest in possession in the property , of course , some other way of fixing the rate has to be found ; and in the case of Gartside v IRC ( 1968 ) AC 553 the House of Lords has held that where there was a discretionary trust with a power to accumulate income , the interest of the group of beneficiaries did not constitute an ‘ interest in possession ’ for the purposes of estate duty .
29 Arguably the blinder kinds of sexual radicalism , wherein sexuality is made the prime political mover , have tended to be mainly heterosexual , and in the case of Wilhelm Reich , overtly homophobic .
30 Where execution of a warrant or variation of a district judge 's order is concerned , application is to be made to the district judge , and in the case of variation of a judge 's order to the judge ( Order 49 , r 6 ; order in Form 32(4) ) .
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