Example sentences of "[coord] in [noun] [pron] [vb mod] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 As early as 1707 Hugh , first Earl of Cholmondeley [ q.v. ] , was advised by a surveyor in London that the Smiths did a ‘ great deal of busness in the Contry and they have done a great deal of work thearabout & in Warwick you may easy hear of them ’ ; and when in the 1730s Sarah , Duchess of Marlborough [ q.v. ] , was building a house as far away as Wimbledon , Surrey , she stipulated that ‘ Mr. Smith of Warwickshire the Builder may be employed to make Contracts and to Measure the Work and to doe every thing in his Way that is necessary to Compleat the Work as far as the Distance he is at will give him leave to do . ’
2 These will consist of a combined ex-NCC Scotland and Countryside Commission for Scotland in a new Scottish natural heritage agency ; a similar combination in Wales , although at present there is no separate country identity for the Welsh Countryside Commission — just ten people in a regional office in Newtown ; and in England there will still be separate agencies of the Countryside Commission and whatever replaces the NCC .
3 In this country you get a , you know , child benefit that you and in America you would obviously get a tax deduction if you have children .
4 There had been no other English children in Abyssinia , none in Somaliland , none at Aden , and in Delhi I can only remember meeting girls .
5 Erm if you 're trying to do it yourself and in theory you can just .
6 Having said all this , if your home is centrally-heated , one heater , perhaps not even rated for so large a tank , should suffice , and in practice it will rarely be on , when your home heating is .
7 Er the other fire fighters would enable us to hit that target on a regular basis and in fact we will also the target during those periods when .
8 Nenna thought , if he does n't look my way I 'll never speak to him again , and in fact I 'll never speak to any man again , except Maurice .
9 But as , as I say it was a job at that time and and in fact I 'd never , this was the only factory I had n't fancied , working in was the B M K , and yet I like it the best .
10 And in fact I can probably get you some of those as well .
11 And in places you would least suspect . ’
12 The Aten itself was amoral ; but in life one should always forgive a man who had sinned .
13 But in showers you can like take five minutes sometimes .
14 As Donald Rees from the South West Water Authority told the Lords : ‘ It is all very well lining a sewer at half the price that it would cost to build a new one , but in fact it may only last a quarter of a normal funding life and may therefore be uneconomic . ’
15 ‘ If that happens it will be trumped up as the end of the NBA , but in fact it will only be a breach if Mr Maher discounts without the permission of the publisher , ’ Mr Taylor added .
16 You may feel you are moving very slowly , but in fact you will simply be counteracting a nervous tendency to rush headlong into everything and to lose control of what is going on .
17 Children have voracious appetites for authenticity , but in drama we should never intimidate them with factual information .
18 Such a dismissal is not automatically unfair , but in practice it will usually be so .
19 We do not know how they were elected ; but in practice it can hardly have been more than a co-optation .
20 The hot transmission is normal ; it is great in winter , as the car has central heating without the need of a blower fan , but in summer it can sometimes be a problem keeping the driver 's feet cool .
21 Now just to clarify in my mind about , here I 'm looking at the summary of your submission , you actually refer to the fact that sixty three hectares are required to meet the needs of the city , whereas I take it you say this morning that you 're happy with the forty six , er but in reality you can only get thirty three ac thirty three hectares within the city .
22 But in reality you can always break the chain at a number of points by buying in .
23 Similarly , in the case of a local authority , formal authority to make decisions will rest with the full council ; but in reality it may well be that power is in the hands of a few councillors and chief officers such that the locus of decision making may be far removed from the full council meeting .
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