Example sentences of "[coord] run [adv] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If they really want to dance , they ‘ hairv a dance ’ , which means Mummy and Daddy spend thousands of pounds on a marquee and all the trimmings , and their friends pile down to their place in the country and run amok in the rhododendrons .
2 She could have been stoned , people would have mocked her as she passed in the street , as they jeered and booed that girl Serafina when she started getting bigger and everyone knew who 'd done it but they could n't do anything about it , not even kill him , because he was the son of a nobleman -Rosalba shuddered , remembering the way Serafina had thrown up her chin and turned and screamed at her tormentors , ‘ And which one of you is so good that you can point at me ! ’ , then dropped her head and run away down the street , holding her heavy breasts as she ran .
3 More tears rolled onto the sand as he remembered how his father had dropped the bundle and run away across the farm , never to be seen again … .
4 So I said I had to make a quick decision either I was going to go up me chain past his whatsit and into the roof , or else go thirty feet down and run right across the chamber into whichever er level they could go to .
5 All general projects of redressement — ‘ putting right ’ or straightening out , but the French is somehow more apt — are political in that sense , and run immediately into the difficulty that Britain possesses neither a constitution nor a state machine adapted to them .
6 A city centre derailment and an apparent suicide on the track did not help , although the system is now up and running well before the June contract deadline .
7 She pushed past Julie Ndobe , grabbing a medkit from the woman 's hands , and running further into the smoke , only to fetch up hard against a metal barrier .
8 By this time the home was filled to capacity and running smoothly under the superintendent and matron , Mr and Mrs E H Dujardin .
9 One of the boys , Reuben N. , had scaled a wall and run away from the workhouse .
10 Myra sobbed as she told me that , although many men were attracted to her — and she to them — as soon as the relationship reached the stage of even the most innocent physical contact , such as a gentle kiss or even holding hands , something in her forced her to draw back and run away from the situation .
11 The emphasis is very much on continuity rather than radical reform , and despite the daunting complexity and forbidding pervasiveness of the law regulating every aspect of welfare in German social work practice , this Act also represents an acknowledgement that German social work practice particularly in relation to children and young people has managed to develop highly creatively and run ahead of the bureaucracy .
12 Indeed the expectations of the electorate closely followed their awareness of opinion poll findings and ran ahead of the trends in television bias .
13 She flung the whole tangle of thought away from her and ran fast up the stairs as though in the room some delight or pleasure awaited her , not the hard task of painting .
14 As they entered the stable-yard , Tamar gasped with pleasure and ran forward to the mare , which stood tied up to a rail .
15 Cassie slipped on her dressing gown and ran outside into the garden .
16 Before it could touch me , I jumped off the bed and ran downstairs into the garden .
17 On Easter Monday , 1 April 1907 , No. 19 was running as an extra car to Sutton with a full holiday load of passengers , when it got out of control on Wallington Railway Bridge and ran away down the gradient in Park Lane .
18 The all-night fishing trip ended in tragedy for the four men after their boat ran out of fuel and ran aground on a sandbank off Nash Point .
19 Then he let go the bow line , jumped on board , and ran aft to the cockpit .
20 The track , after leaving the ridge , went steeply down for a few yards and then turned to the right and ran diagonally across the hill for a hundred yards ; the pile of rocks was about midway on the right-hand side of this length of the track .
21 As the creature moved within five metres of her , she held on to the chair with both hands and ran straight at the creature 's unprotected stomach area .
22 This chain successfully bound Fenrir until Ragnarok , the Day of Judgement , when he broke loose and ran amok in the heavens , swallowing ODIN whole .
23 It was 115 degrees , and the water melons began to pop , and the donkeys began to do what donkeys do , and it all mixed together and ran all over the parking lot .
24 Instantly he sprang out of bed , shouting her name , and ran all over the house looking for her .
25 Oliver jumped to his feet and ran wildly from the room , shouting for help .
26 Then she turned and eased herself over the lip , clambered down the old wooden steps set into the clay wall , and ran across towards the jetty .
27 Sure enough , they dropped their sticks at the same moment and ran across to the downriver side of the bridge to watch for the winner .
28 Quickly , everyone jumped down from the plane and ran across to the spaceship .
29 Suddenly , the girl darted past her , into the kitchen , and ran across to the sink , catching at Tug 's sleeve .
30 And then , as her dazed mind finally absorbed the fact that it really was Ross , and not a figment of her overheated imagination , she quickly jumped to her feet and ran swiftly across the floor towards him .
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