Example sentences of "[coord] although [pers pn] [be] not [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Daphne was a curlyheaded blonde known as ‘ Snooty ’ , and although we were not natural friends , our predilection for cream buns brought us together — especially when she discovered that I had a never-ending source of supply .
2 Maggie would not close her eyes , because that would be cheating , but she shortened her focus so that it rested precisely on the window-panes , and although they were not dirty and the moonbeams seemed to shine straight through them , they were there .
3 He did n't want to exacerbate what he saw as an existing weakness of his own in that respect , and although he was not censorious of other people , I think he was genuinely quite frightened of it , and at one point in the Arts Lab , when there was quite a lot of speed pills , amphetamines , going around amongst the young people there , he did speak out very strongly one evening against it , saying that he personally did not want anything like that around anything he was closely involved with because he felt that it was not a good thing for people to be speeding and it created the sort of vibes that might end up causing problems .
4 He planned to acquire one of the Agricultural Project smallholdings , and although he was not eligible , he had some hopes since those who were qualified were not applying .
5 When Tate took his leave , Eliot stood at the door of the drawingroom leaning on two canes ; Tate waved goodbye , and although he was not able to raise himself from the canes he smiled and made a movement with one hand .
6 Most elderly people find that the visiting officers are friendly , patient , and helpful , and although it is not necessary for a relative to be present , no objection will be raised to this if the elderly person wishes it .
7 In most cases the horn will be fitted and although it is not necessary to prove why the horn did n't work when operated it may be of assistance to the court .
8 ‘ Stand ’ is proved by the observations of the officer concerned and although it is not necessary to prove the vehicle had been in the offending position for a particular period of time the court may find it helpful if the officer could give evidence , ‘ The vehicle was parked on Bradford Road from 20.00 hours to 21.00 hours etc . ’
9 If the house has a solid floor , that too must have a membrane which extends over the whole of it , and although it is not possible to see it , any defects will show in the form of damp patches under floor coverings , discoloration or loose vinyl tiles .
10 Although compressed into less than 18 months there are certain similarities between the two revolutions , in their tactics as well as their phases , and although it is not explicit there is a remarkable comparison that may be inferred from Devillers ' brilliant essay in which he describes a Vietminh , at the end of 1946 , already losing momentum and because of that , driven to imprudent acts :
11 And although it is not clear what was meant by ‘ real ’ crime , it is evident that certain kinds of common theft , damage and injury were regarded as wholly commonplace in pre-war years and hardly worth a moment 's thought .
12 Merchants were able to secure exemption from it , and although it is not clear who emerged more strongly from disputes in the 1440s , by the 1450s control of the Staple seems to have passed to men hostile to it ( 84 , pp.261 , 270–1 , 273 ) .
13 In England these were the buyers of boroughs and seats in Parliament , and although it was not possible to do this in Scotland , as there were never any ‘ rotten boroughs ’ in the English sense , those who arranged and meddled in the burgh elections were called ‘ Boroughmongers ’ after the English traffickers in boroughs .
14 The Colonel was there with his wife and children , and although it was not compulsory for the men to attend mass , there were a large number of legionnaires present , mostly Latin or East European .
15 He must have been a remarkable man , because when his aircraft was shot down he lost his right hand but before many months had passed he was back on his squadron with a hook on his right arm , and although I am not one hundred percent sure of my facts here , I believe he went back on operations as a navigator or air gunner .
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