Example sentences of "[coord] try [verb] [pron] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is now incumbent on everybody looking after patients following a myocardial infarct to try to reason out what caused the condition and to try to do something about stopping it .
2 Frankie had seen it before and thought I would n't like it and tried to dissuade me from going in .
3 During her last imprisonment in Holloway in 1911–12 , when several hundred women were being forcibly fed , she thought her death would end this mass torture and tried to kill herself by throwing herself downstairs ; although seriously injured , she survived .
4 Earlier , it was alleged that Casabona kidnapped the 15-year-old , raped her and tried to murder her by pumping exhaust fumes into the vehicle while they were both inside .
5 Men went down the main shaft and tried to clear it by shovelling the slurry into tubs which were then hauled to the surface but this was soon abandoned as it was realised that it would take weeks or months to clear a way through to the trapped men .
6 He wanted to withdraw our organization 's financial support for the conference , and tried to discourage me from remaining involved .
7 He put his head out of the window and tried to clam himself by attempting to identify the night sounds .
8 Encourage the patient to do the types of activities recommended for him , and try to prevent him from sitting idly , or gazing at the television .
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