Example sentences of "[coord] after the [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was agreed that any club invited to the Glenfiddich will be paired with a local side to allow them to play the fixture in midweek either before or after the trip to Glasgow .
2 From this they concluded that a rogue suitcase could have been ‘ sent to Pan Am 103 either before or after the unloading of Air Malta 180 ’ .
3 The date on the audit report should be the date on which the auditors sign the report , which should be on or after the date of board approval .
4 The same author goes on to say that there are cases where land reform , or at least the break-up of large latifundia or estates , had actually accelerated environmental decline , as in Bolivia in the 1950s or after the emancipation of serfs in Russia in 1816 .
5 The further problem then arises as to whether the Commission 's confirmation is to be obtained before or after the entry into force of the national measures .
6 They can select a time before or after the passing of property .
7 Muscle strips were precontracted by 10 µM acetylcholine and the mean amplitude of steady state contractions was measured for two minutes before and after the addition of leucocytes .
8 Consider some simple examples from the University Farm at Bristol of how we fed our cows before and after the imposition of quotas .
9 In 1706 , after his victory at Turin , Prince Eugene had to interfere in person to prevent a general massacre of the French wounded by the imperial forces ; and after the battle of Zorndorf in 1758 many of the wounded Russians left on the field were buried alive by Prussian soldiers and local peasants .
10 Later in the century the Roman Empire was divided into two parts , eastern and western , and after the fall of Rome in the following century , the eastern part ruled alone .
11 The Bolsheviks had let it be known that they wished to end their war with Germany , and after The Revolution in October 1917 , in Russia , the Bolsheviks were able to seize power and , in December 1917 , they signed an alliance with Germany .
12 The judge effectively looked at the overall plan and examined the position before and after the plan in order to see where the element of bounty lay .
13 Sir Crispin began with a brief overview of the world 's climate and environment before and after the rise of man .
14 The destruction of Kuwait 's oil infrastructure was widely televised both during and after the cessation of hostilities , providing us all with a vivid reminder of how volatile hydrocarbons can be .
15 Schneider 's trials were interrupted by the Allied invasion of North Africa in November 1942 , and after the capture of Tunis , Schneider turned over his promising results and his remaining samples of Sontochin to the US Army .
16 It is reasonable to think this became more common after the revolution and after the discovery of oil .
17 During and after the presidency of Andrew Jackson ( 1829–60 ) , a lively and pluralistic competition between the economic and political elite over who should direct the nations affairs was apparent .
18 The steep hillsides made it more difficult to hide and transport cattle , and after the establishment of coffee plantations and gardens in the 1840s the crime must have become more difficult to carry out profitably .
19 Anti-war demonstrations were held in the USA both before and after the outbreak of hostilities .
20 The National Assembly , however , on Jan. 16 approved the use of force to liberate Kuwait [ see p. 37941 ] and after the outbreak of war under UN auspices the government 's support of the US-led coalition won widespread public and party support ( except from the PCF — ibid . ) .
21 Possibly , after what might be described as puritanical streaks through the 1980s , and after the theorising of desire and the occasional turning of the body into a no-go area , there is a need to explore pleasure — in the artist , the artwork and the audience ; the pleasure in that three-way encounter .
22 Everything was too bountiful in the New World , and after the austerity of wartime Britain , it gave her a feeling of guilt to be bathing in luxury when her countryfolk were fighting a war .
23 Similarly , in 3 the time span which is indicated by " now " is limited to the few seconds immediately following the utterance , whereas in 4 the reference of " now " extends well before and after the time of utterance .
24 The area of ground selected was described somewhat imprecisely as : ‘ All that piece of ground situate north of Fig Lane [ now Crowndale Road ] St Pancras extending northwards from thence 650 feet on average abutting Eastwards on the Church path leading to Kentish Town and is in a parallel breadth 270 feet abutting Westward on other Ground intended and agreed to be used as Garden Ground by the said Messrs. Kirkman and Hendy or the Undertenants and no buildings to be erected thereon which shall raise more than 12 feet above the present surface and nearer than 80 feet to the ground hereby lett and that they will reserve a Street or way 60 feet wide at the least at the northern extremity of the said ground and that the said Messrs. Kirkman and Hendy do engage to lett to the Veterinary College a piece or any part of their ground at any time within twelve months which they the College shall determine upon a ranging line with the north extremity of the piece already described at and after the rate of £30 per acre nett which are the same terms as the ground described and mentioned are lett at and also at and upon the same reservation of the pepper corn Rent . ’
25 In 1853 he became a partner in Joseph Crosfield & Son ; and after the death of Morland and George 's move to London in 1875 , he became solely responsible for the firm .
26 Early season is often colder than people expect , so bring warm clothes for May and after the end of September .
27 In my own study of sexual aspects of disability carried out on behalf of the Committee on Sexual Problems of the Disabled ( SPOD ) and the Research Institute for Consumer Affairs , close attention was paid to the sexual experience of the survey population before and after the onset of handicap .
28 Evidence for an increase in neurotransmitter release is derived from experiments that have measured the overflow of radiolabelled or endogenous L-glutamate from the hippocampus before and after the induction of LTP r50–52 .
29 Another test for postsynaptic changes is to monitor the sensitivity of neurons to the application of agonists before and after the induction of LTP .
30 But after the release of Mob Rule in 1980 , Allen retreated from the scene and his books became increasingly collectable classics .
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