Example sentences of "[coord] look down [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But if a person climbs a nearby hill and looks down on the site , the whole city can be seen and to some extent understood : viewing a site at an angle in this way is equivalent to an oblique aerial photograph .
2 She shivered a little , leaning on the balustrade and looking down into the darkness while he gave some instructions to the maid .
3 I remember standing at the back of The Lyceum and looking down at the crowd .
4 I put the blade of the knife against her neck again and look down to the edge of the mattress .
5 I lift my head up and look down to the floor at the foot of the bed , where Andy is lying curled up in his sleeping bag , unseen in the shadows , which is why I was being quiet .
6 This warning whetted my appetite for I used to crawl to the edge and look down at the water which was usually quite near the top as this part of the city is barely above river level .
7 Charles raised his head above the line of the rock and looked down towards the hut .
8 He went to where he 'd seen him by the fence and looked down towards the woodpile .
9 Marian crossed to the stair and looked down into the chamber they had left .
10 From there they crawled the last ten yards to the edge of a rise and looked down into the valley .
11 He limped to the side of the roof and looked down into the yard .
12 She came to it and stood and looked down into the dragon 's mouth .
13 Charles stood on the narrow pavement , leaning on the wooden parapet , and looked down into the water , which seemed infinitely deep in the darkness .
14 She moved to the head of the stairs and looked down into the hallway , listening to his footsteps approaching the front door .
15 I stood at the window and looked down into the street .
16 He went to the window and looked down into the street .
17 Shepherd moved closer and looked down into the viewer .
18 She coughed and looked down at the floor .
19 The priest rested his elbows on his knees and looked down at the floor .
20 ‘ We were n't that close , ’ she said softly and looked down at the floor .
21 Fulke shuffled his feet and looked down at the floor .
22 The lassitude still on her , she came slowly to her feet and looked down at the boy , who stood up , shifting uneasily .
23 She opened the door and looked down at the gutter two feet away and then sighed .
24 Endill hesitated and looked down at the sea crashing against the rocks .
25 He wiped the sweat from his eyes and looked down at the automatic in his hand .
26 She swallowed and looked down at the duvet , twisting its striped design unhappily between her fingers .
27 Lancaster breathed out slowly and looked down at the table when he realised what he had said .
28 Mum went over to my window and looked down at the street .
29 She turned and looked down at the handbag , clutched tightly in her hand , and flung it far across the room .
30 She moved over to the cot and looked down at the baby .
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