Example sentences of "[coord] should be [vb pp] with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The most important point to stress here is that , as Oakley ( 1974 ) points out , housework is work and should be compared with paid jobs outside the home .
2 Broken bottles are just as dangerous as knives and should be treated with equal respect .
3 Bacterial infections of the chest are common and should be treated with appropriate antibiotics .
4 The need for independence , linked with the need for love , are amongst the last treasures of old age , and should be treated with great delicacy .
5 The results for this question are difficult to interpret and should be treated with great caution .
6 Drafts of these documents are often political kites and should be treated with considerable reserve , quoted but not relied upon .
7 Other refined carbohydrates , such as white flour and white rice , like sugar , have been stripped of most of their vitamins , minerals and fibre content and should be replaced with unrefined staple foods such as listed in the Personal Food Audit .
8 It may reach 200mm in length and should be kept with similar sized companions .
9 Synthetic thread is very strong and should be used with synthetic or stretch fabric as it has more elasticity .
10 Boots which have been factory-treated and given a waterproof finish should not normally be given a wax treatment when new , but should be treated with ordinary shoe polish .
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