Example sentences of "[coord] then [pron] [vb base] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 People identify their own needs and then we organise a course with them , ’ she explains .
2 We 've had people say access to the car and then we get a phone call to say they 're off sick for a couple of weeks that actually means that the car has been not available .
3 And what happens to them , again , through the Occupational Health Centre , th they arra arrange for an optician to give them a full , full eye test and then we get a report back on that situation .
4 And then we miss a number erm er and move to N Y eleven which is a paper which we have put in which attempts to look at the differences between certainly between the N Y C C projections and the H B F projections .
5 And then we have a member from Wales on the Central Council of the World Council of Churches , Miss Carole who er , although she is from Wales , member of the church of Wales she now lives in Belfast .
6 The only time it comes in useful is when we 're talking about acting and then we have a kind of shorthand .
7 Can I propose that we vote either to go for Southwell Centenary cos I think they are the fav either or , and then we also have another vote for Bramley or Brinkley and then we have a vote between the winners of either of those two ,
8 And then we have a group of two which are described as stereo isomers .
9 And then we need a guitarist .
10 Yes , and one of the great ironies is that when I 'm talking to students about the nature of history , one of the first things I try and say to them is ‘ Look , do n't have this idea that there 's a great bundle of documents lying in an attic , and this is the way that history works , that people make a sensational discovery and then they write a book about it .
11 They assimilate , they analyze , they consider and then they make a decision or act on things .
12 I know that 's difficult to provide erm , and the money 's got to be found for that , but it , it 's a mixed blessing putting elderly people into , a lot are put into our homes , which I agree are very good the majority of them , they 're very nice , but the people who 're put into them , they give up their own homes , and then they get a bit better six months later , and they say , ooh , I just want to go back to my home now .
13 Yeah , quite a high one so they have a big dam to give a good head water , a good height of water , and that water comes Drops down through quite a quite a height , and then they have a turbine sort of force it into a turbine with a turbine and it really spins that turbine th that 's joined top the alternator and makes the electricity .
14 And then you put a return in at the end of that and it goes back to the margin again .
15 The problem is that a good gimmick is contagious — everyone in Hollywood gets it all at once , and then you get a rash of movies all suffering from the same big idea .
16 You lay the Axminster carpet on top of the cable , trampling all over it , over a number of years and again the old thing happens , it wears down the outer protective cabling , it breaks down the insulation and then you get a fire situation burning away , smouldering away underneath your carpet because while ever your er electrical appliance is switched on heat is being generated .
17 And then you get a cup of tea at ten .
18 I 'll give you your pocket money and then you stick a fiver in and I 'll give it you back .
19 All the nuclei in the body process at a , or rotate at a particular speed , according to whatever size magnetic field you put them in , and then you apply a radio frequency field to the body at the , at just that frequency , and if you tune things correctly , there is absorption of energy , and you can detect that .
20 We were a bit from the road and then you see a bit higher .
21 No shave and then you shag a girl
22 and then you do a division of the one into the other and you get a figure that is smaller in the tabloids and larger in broadsheets like The Times and The Financial Times and in periodicals like the Communist and the New Statesman .
23 And then you have a banquet afterwards ?
24 And then you have a quarter then it 'll start with the electric , then phone , then gas again !
25 I know we used the video but that was for a very specific reason but if you know have you ever been to one of those lectures where there 's there 's overheads going on here and then they go and they write on there and they you have some slides and then you have a video and then you know it 's like being at Wimbledon .
26 Cue up the phrase you wish to learn , press record and then you have a maximum of fifteen seconds sampling time at your disposal .
27 And then you have a join
28 properly still probably as a bit of a dogsbody and then you have a sort of
29 You just automatically got up in the morning , jumped in your car , went to work , you were there for half six , sun shone , cup of tea , read the Sun , sit down , get on your lathe , have your break at ten o'clock , lunch time , have your meal and then you have a game of football outside in the car park or whatever , and you had a daily little routine .
30 And then I know a lot people who now in retirement do not have a bath , because they ca n't be confident enough at getting out of a bath , so they say oh well I manage with a shower .
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