Example sentences of "[coord] when the [noun] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 By the age of 23 , I 'd starred in a one-man show on Broadway and when the play closed I confronted the truth that if I was n't the star of a play I could n't feed myself .
2 And Doña Ximena and her daughters stood trembling , like women who had never seen such things before : and when the Cid saw it he made them seat themselves , so as no longer to behold it .
3 One argument has been that the Government 's housing programme was introduced to buy industrial and social peace ; it could do this in exchange for really very little , except expense — and when the Treasury found it too costly , the scheme was jettisoned .
4 ‘ Aye , and when the sky falls we 'll all catch larks .
5 Mr Cairns , a former Ulster teacher now lecturing in Japan who is home on a study project , said : ‘ They went for a meal to McDonalds and when the girls said they would take a taxi back to the Young Women 's Christian Association the boys told them not to take a black taxi because they were too expensive .
6 He says to Sarah , ‘ I know that you are a woman beautiful to behold , and when the Egyptians see you , they will say , ‘ This is his wife ’ ; then they will kill me , but they will let you live .
7 The moment he finished , an elderly mandarin with a white , wispy goatee appeared from behind another pillar beside the throne and translated the emperor 's brief address into melodiously accented French : Several times the Resident Superior dipped his chin an inch and lowered his eyes in acknowledgment of a dutiful reference to " the great protecting nation of France , " and when the translation ended he inclined his head more formally without bowing .
8 And when the mood moves you , pull up a chair , admire the view and — just relax .
9 She burst out laughing at the absurdity of it , laughed until she cried , and when the tears came he groped across the table to touch her hand around the empty glass .
10 And when the sun appeared they all died and then the people who were to be the people of Amantani came from other islands , from peninsulas in the south … ’
11 And when the King thought it a fit season , he spake to him and said , that Doña Ximena Gomez , the daughter of the Count whom he had slain , had come to ask him for her husband , and would forgive him her father 's death ; wherefore he besought him to think it good to take her to be his wife , in which case he would show him great favour .
12 Instead his owner , 18-year-old Helen Woodruff from Walcot in Swindon , ignored advice to have him treated , and when the RSPCA found him 6 weeks later the wound was so swollen that Capri was in agony .
13 Ordinary citizens tolerated corruption when times were good and when the government rewarded them with cheap food , services and petrol .
14 The Cattle of the Cottagers are impounded when the Forest is driven by the Keepers , as all other Cattle are ; and when the Owners take them from the Pound ( paying the usual Fees to the Keepers ) they turn them again into the Forest , having no other Means of maintaining them … the Cottagers … are detrimental to the Forest , by cutting Wood for Fuel , and for building Huts , and making Fences to the Patches which they inclose from the Forest ; by keeping Pigs , Sheep etc. in the Forest all the Year ; and by stealing Timber .
15 erm Many primary school children have no timetable and they do n't bring homework home , and when the parents ask them what they did all day at school they say ‘ Nothing ’ , and some parents , that 's all they 've got to go on , and they , they get quite worried about it .
16 The Quakers , for example , dispensed with a professional ministry altogether and held completely unstructured meetings , at which both male and female members of the congregation could testify as and when the spirit moved them ; they also developed their own simple marriage and burial services .
17 He said it with an odd , teasing leer , as though he were asking for something very difficult , and when the boy spoke he sounded awkward , his voice high and polite .
18 Somehow he had acquired it and when the need arose he would use it .
19 The pearls were artificial and when the string broke they got scattered and lost and forgotten about .
20 There was no lift-man , and when the doors closed she was alone , nervously watching as the light indicated the slow rise of the elevator .
21 ‘ I thought it was food poisoning because I had prepared fish which I had not cooked properly and when the doctor arrived he thought the same way .
22 Montague managed to convince Mortimer of his innocence , but his narrow escape did not discourage the king , and when the coup came it had all the appearance of being carefully planned .
23 Inevitably , an occasion will come when parents do not accept a professional 's view , even after considerable exploration and discussion , and when the professional feels he or she can not compromise without undermining good practice .
24 And so every night when they got home there was all kinds of people , I mean you know say miners and anybody as well , they all surrounded this house and when the police brought him in , of course they were booing and all this business you see .
25 So Aaron makes a golden calf , and when the people see it , they cry , ‘ These are your gods , O Israel , who brought you up out of the land of Egypt ! ’
26 Yes , Elizabeth Howell of Exploring Parenthood , certainly that is the case , both with parents and with people like teachers or child care workers , who are in locus parentis for many hours of the day , and our sense is very much that if the adults around children can feel supported and confident that they can acknowledge their own fears and anxieties that they will then be better be able to transmit that measured response to the children in their care and it was very interesting last week , I heard from an educational psychologist in the north of England who said that a group of teachers had asked from several schools to come together to think about the resources that they needed to set in place in order to deal with the children 's behaviour , and after the meeting , at which they were able to express their anxieties , they then returned to their various areas and when the psychologist contacted them a couple of days later they said we felt sufficiently supported by knowing that others are struggling with the same issues and that we could acknowledge our concerns about it , that we now feel able to get on with the job of helping the children , and I think that was a very good example of adults finding a way to acknowledge their own anxieties and thereby to increase their effectiveness in dealing with the children that in whose care they have .
27 Oh it could be stormy right enough but well the steamer might call at Rousay at that time and they would land the goods in Rousay the perishables for Wyre and when the weather abated we would get it from there .
28 The men asked if the couple had seen a boxer puppy — and when the Wignalls said they had n't , they were abused and attacked , said police .
29 And when the train started she wished she could close her cars too , because Nick stood at the window and sang .
30 From that moment he looked after the rose garden and when the war came he said , ‘ Look here , if we get through this all right , we 'll make a garden together . ’
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