Example sentences of "[coord] what they [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This was what they told one another , and what they wrote down in The Book of Nome .
2 A list of only the more common villains and what they get up to reads like a catalogue of horrors enough to intimidate anyone and put them off rose-growing for all time .
3 Newspapers make their money from combination of cover price revenue and what they bring in from selling advertising space .
4 What it gave them was a visible stage , a public platform — and what they gave back to the ‘ end ’ was a sense of itself , a common life-style .
5 The presentational aspect involves all kinds of different considerations which I shall come to presently , but what they boil down to is this : what can you do to make it easier for the communicator to communicate and the audience to receive the required message — with minimum distraction ?
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