Example sentences of "[coord] there be [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The first one at ten , every five years up to the age of sixty five , then annually , and there 's one at the end of the selected period .
2 Well there 's one there , there 's one there and there 's one round the back , so I looked in that one
3 And there 's nothing to the costume — I 've got a string of them from the greengrocer round the comer , for you to hang around your neck … ’
4 If you find that the list of ‘ do n't likes ’ is very long and there is nothing on the other side to counteract it , you are not telling the truth .
5 And there is nothing in the judgment of Luxmoore J. to indicate that , having rejected the non est factum plea , he thought that he had any discretionary power to order rectification of the charges register .
6 Scamander in Homer takes human form to fight Achilles , and there is nothing in the least improbable in the personification of rivers in fifth-century art ; indeed there are almost certain examples on coins .
7 I do n't think he should really be telling me all this , but he is demob happy and there is something of the anonymity of the confessional in this dimly lit train compartment , lurching slowly over the snowy plateau of the Kola Peninsula .
8 It may be that the weathered materials from which it is built are particularly attractive and there is something about the building that is pleasing to the eye — soft red brick or golden stone , patterned brickwork or decorative ironwork .
9 The summer of ‘ 92 will be more attractive for Tendulkar 's presence in Yorkshire , and there is no-one in the game who does not wish for the county 's good health and an end to schism .
10 A great star like Aschmann arrives in Hochhauser and there is no-one from the theatre committee to greet her .
11 Graduations on the side of the cylinder show him exactly how much chemical has been sucked out , and there is none of the fuss of using a measuring jug .
12 As with Russia in 1917 , the larger workplaces ( and there are lots down the Albert Embankment where I work ) , are the significant ones .
13 Because acrylics dry so quickly , overpainting is a simple process and there are none of the danger associated with oil paints in this respect .
14 All the stories are drawn and there are none of the photo stories which are to be found in the magazines for older girls of the time .
15 Adrar was clean , and there were none of the African smells offensive to western noses — just the opposite .
16 And there were you in the next bedroom , you and Arthur .
17 They liked violent , even pornographic films , and there was one at the local cinema .
18 Er I remember a debate , they 'd two debates , there was one on the Market Square and there was one at the Cosmo , between the Black Shirts er and of course the Cosmo platform was open to anybody , did n't matter who they were , any shade of opinion .
19 alcove and there was one in the one far corner and sitting on the corner together , they were holding hands going every so often he hears .
20 Yes , it 'll be worth following that up , cos that 's , that 's one of the erm , they , they 've done quite a lot of work of Amnesty and general studies in the past , there was a sheet of sort of quotes of , how good the Amnesty was , and there was one from the teacher at Birchwood or what , what 's Margaret Dane School , so erm , yes , if , if you could definitely follow that up erm John
21 Sometimes actually I think ‘ Oh I 'd like to go back to work ’ — to be in that hubbub — because I always worked in the West End and there was something about the atmosphere — being dressed all day …
22 ok , this poem 's called erm A Pause In A Moment Worn out days dressed in damp wheat , heavy coat pulling at tired shoulders , memory pushed back , brought forward in the click of a stick , pause in a moment , sunset reflected in eyes offering the warmth of recognition , so that poem started with the overcoat and that was the mood as I say , that was the mood of rejection erm and there was something about the way the old girl was looking at the women on the bridge , almost as if there was this recognition and , as it brought back memories that perhaps went or as black as the overcoat , erm the next er painting which I 'm going to read to you about is erm have you
23 And there was something about the girl , with her contemptuous mouth and lolling posture , something strong and indefinable , like a smell , the smell of a bitch on heat .
24 And there was something about the easy way they were together , evidently in the full flow of conversation , that sent a quick uneasy dart of emotion rushing through her .
25 He did n't answer at first and there was something about the quality of his silence that caused a flicker of fear to touch her heart .
26 Miguel stood where she had left him , outlined against the star-studded sky , and there was something about the way he was standing that reminded her of someone else …
27 Jordi 's head was set beautifully on his broad shoulders , and there was something in the way he held his neck to support that head which was unmistakably intelligent and sexy .
28 And there was something in the dusty black of her coat , the half-wild scrawny look of her , that gave me a clue .
29 Sometimes he 'd look across at me , when my mum was deep in a copy of Psychic News and there was nothing on the television , any time from May to October .
30 the sticker was at the bottom , and there was nothing at the top and she , and she was still looking down at it , in other words there was nothing in it before
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