Example sentences of "[coord] there [is] a [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You have a choice of pine which can be varnished , stained or painted — or there is a very attractive solid cherry .
2 Unless you fire a gun from the hip it 's all Outside ; you point and aim and that 's it , unless the sights are out or there 's a really high wind .
3 And there 's a not inconsiderable point as well that exp it 's expensive .
4 Yes , and there 's a rather odd smell in this room …
5 Hooray , the Cottage door is unlocked and there 's a rather nice sitting-room with armchairs and sofas and real people sitting there studying menus and wine lists .
6 It can be full-length too , or shortened to a jacket and there 's a beautifully shaped polo-neck sweater to wear underneath ( Pattern 2 ) .
7 Rhineland dishes are a speciality of restaurant and there 's a superbly comfortable bar .
8 There 's the Arran , we all know the classic Arran , there 's hundreds of them , and there 's a more modern one but that 's the traditional one there .
9 Now this is rather a banal claim I suppose that erm the proper function of government is to manage things well , I mean who would have doubted that , but the other claim that governments , one of the roles of governments is to improve the citizens is more surprising , particularly for a liberal view and there 's a more standard liberal position now would be that the moral well-being citizens is not a proper matter of governmental concern .
10 And there 's a very real fear the travellers will return for the concert .
11 And there 's a very great deal of money at stake here . ’
12 And there 's a very good school near where I live .
13 And there 's a very good reason why he is .
14 Erm , th I 'd like to make a couple of points about traditions , women 's traditions , one is particularly looking at th the oral tradition o , the tradition of poetry in Scotland , and there 's a very rich tradition of Gaelic poetry , and ballad singing , as
15 And there 's a very special offer for you if we receive your request as a result of this notice .
16 And there 's a very special offer for you if we receive your request as a result of this notice .
17 And there 's a very welcome trend towards more comfy , flattering bigger briefs , fitting to the waist .
18 And there 's a very important and most people ca n't understand why we could possibly sell the flap until of course you realize that that 's taken off
19 He says Henley does change but very gradually … it 's been difficult to introduce women 's racing , but we have this year and there 's a very high standard here … up to Olympic standard
20 It 's they 're all doing erm , I 've got you , right and there 's a really daffy bloke he I 've got you .
21 But I , I mean I use it as a , that may be the psychology behind it , but I use it as a bad example of , for obvious reasons , and there 's a real bad example , and there may be some politics behind it , there 's What I think is a good example : ‘ Southeast Arts ’ sorry , ‘ Southeast Tourist Board , South of England Board . ’
22 And there 's a famously awkward command structure .
23 You meet every consideration in the shops , and there is a most efficient tourist office where the staff give every assistance and , if asked , will produce an English speaking guide to show you round .
24 The whole kit and kaboodle is as tense as unravelled knitting and there is a completely unbelievable ‘ surprise ’ ending tacked onto the end as an obvious afterthought .
25 More fundamentally perhaps , people are asking themselves , ‘ Why did we all want English medium anyway ? ’ and there is a rather bitter feeling around that perhaps all the enthusiasm , all the euphoria about ‘ new methods ’ ought to have been preceded by a sober consideration of ‘ new objectives . ’
26 And there is a particularly close connection in the case we are considering .
27 On the other hand , he does encompass the notes with consistent authority and there is a slightly dour quality about the playing which does grow on me .
28 The highest winter numbers are present in January and February , occasionally early March , and there is a fairly rapid departure of winter visitors in late March and early April .
29 However , the development of specially-tailored funds and financial products to compete with those offered by banks is beginning to get under way and there is a potentially lucrative link-up with the big assurance companies based on the post office 's huge client base .
30 Erm , the conditions were erm slightly different on the second floor , in the sense that there were a few , few people and a few items of equipment erm , and there is a relatively great density of staff on the first floor than I would have found .
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