Example sentences of "[coord] there [be] [noun] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 Or there 's Goldie Hawn in FOUL PLAY .
2 Sets of dinner-plates have been muddled up , nozzles switched on candlesticks and there are thumb prints in the middle of each salver where the dealers have felt the thickness of the silver .
3 The high-jinks of the victorious Yorkshire sides are lively in the telling , and there are laughs aplenty in his recollections of the 1963–64 MCC tour of India , during which he played five of his six Tests .
4 Suppose each path is just two steps long , and there are D levels in the hierarchy ; then every rule will have gained credit after ( D+1 ) successful searches .
5 Its capacity for quick growth and early maturity is still appreciated , especially abroad , and there are breed societies in countries such as the USA ( which also has a Polled Shorthorn ) , Canada , Argentina , Uruguay , South Africa , the USSR , New Zealand and Australia .
6 Christmas is coming up and there are chemistry sets in the shops .
7 Christmas is coming up and there are chemistry sets in the shops .
8 There is a curvature singularity on the space-like surface in region IV , and there are fold singularities in regions II and III which are identical to those described in Section 8.3 .
9 And there are marsh plants in the bossy bits and beside the little streams .
10 But the US Army remained segregated , with separate training and units and with black officers inferior to whites of similar rank — though the Navy moved closer to integration ; and there were race riots in army camps during the war years .
11 In the case of the GCE , both at O and at A level , maximum possible marks were allocated to each question on the examination papers before the papers were written , and there were cut-off points in total marks , determining the different grades .
12 He was wearing a flat cap , a suit and a choker , and there were dock gates in the background .
13 Further inland within the Low Country , the economy was based largely on rice cultivation , although tea and rubber were introduced into Kalutara in the 1890s , and there were coffee plantations in Matara before the spread of the leaf disease .
14 The dollar dropped to a near-record low against the yen yesterday , and there was dollar selling in Europe blamed on concern new taxes would slow the American economic recovery .
15 But there were life readings in the walls , floors and turbine-generators within the factory itself .
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