Example sentences of "[coord] we [verb] [adv prt] to the " in BNC.

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1 Follow that philosophy and we go back to the days of the bland leading the bland .
2 We then all got into taxis and we went off to the Coconut Grove at the top half of Regent Street where we spent until the small hours of the morning .
3 He agreed , and we went back to the ball .
4 And we went back to the home and got Camellia . ’
5 He was in my heat and we went down to the start to fix our blocks into the Tartan .
6 IN comparison to the other places we 'd visited until then , and to those we would subsequently see , Porto was the most touristy — but not unpleasantly so , and we strolled down to the river Douro where all the famous port cellars are .
7 Then he took my hand and we walked round to the cottage .
8 He linked his arm through mine and we walked over to the tomb .
9 In the late afternoon the weather cleared and we walked back to the youth hostel .
10 Benjamin linked his arm through mine and we walked back to the manor house .
11 Erm and we come back to the County 's wording which is , avoid conflict between mineral and non-mineral development .
12 At last we are going aboard a tank-landing craft : I slip off my rucksack , assemble the bagpipes , a couple of minutes to tune up , then on with the rucksack and we march on to the craft to the tune Highland Laddie .
13 Friendship is more important than mountaineering , and so for their sakes I told them they 'd done very well and we turned back to the prospect of a more leisurely Sunday afternoon , with colour supplements , cats , coffee and carpets to lie on .
14 Ward paid with American traveller 's cheques and we hurried out to the taxi .
15 But the ‘ mozzies ’ finally won the day and we retreated back to the safety of the ‘ bus ’ to lick our wounds and to hunt out our supplies of insect repellent !
16 Ilsa 's house was dark and we padded through to the back porch like conspirators .
17 It had been unnerving for Martin and we had wasted a lot of time , but we pushed on to the final ridge .
18 Jamie and I got pushed about a bit and nearly fell down a couple of times , but we survived through to the end of the night without any scrapes .
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