Example sentences of "[coord] we [modal v] not [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 But it might just be that we ca n't have both and we ca n't ensure that people vote from the right from moral motivation rather than personal interest and we ca n't ensure vote
2 He did not breathe spontaneously and died in a pulmonary W with lungs filled with water and we ca n't exclude that the reason for that was just the water bath .
3 Section er , I was very surprised indeed that er Hilary asking for a review of the service because in fact all one 's experience and I am sure as well tells us that this is a success story , it is something that petition after petition that we 've asking to keep it that way , shows that it is one of the services that the County provides which is very much appreciated by the recipients and we ca n't say that in all County Councils ' services but you can say it about er the section seventeen and I think you ought to acknowledge that Chairman .
4 But if you take the , the servicing sections overall , what we should be able to say is that look okay we 're gon na have a delayed kick in of improved productiv because it , productivity cos of new systems that are helping us , whether it moves us from two point six to two point seven to two point eight is arguable , and we wo n't know that for sure until we get there , but we should n't have is deterioration .
5 Like when we opened opened a ninety Z up and we could n't open that face up , it was hell .
6 still a human error even though you know how to do it , and we can not guarantee that you 'll do it so it , so it is , the , it is very important that nobody takes anything off the shelf automatically assume
7 And we can not say that one way of perceiving things is more real than another .
8 For in the circumstances of ordinary politics the checkerboard strategy will prevent instances of injustice that would otherwise occur , and we can not say that justice requires not eliminating any injustice unless we can eliminate all .
9 This supposition is mistaken , according to the argument of this book ; the imperative to become equally aware from different spatial , temporal and personal viewpoints is independent of moral traditions and habits , and we need not doubt that under any conditions spontaneity will continue to channel itself in selfish or unselfish directions with inequality or equality of awareness .
10 We should n't be surprised , and we should n't think that there is anything wrong with us for having tears in our lives .
11 But while Kaohsiung 's attention to quality is not unique to Yamaha ( and we should n't forget that lower rejection rates also benefit the manufacturer , translating into lower cost per unit ) , their pioneering attitude , honouring quality above all else , has helped raise the standard of Far Eastern guitars to levels which would have been unthinkable only a few years ago .
12 ( Indeed , the latter in his resurrection seems to point directly to this alternative , and we should not forget that such a comparatively late example as this had a clear and much earlier precedent in the resurrection of Osiris . )
13 And we must n't forget that Andropulos may be as innocent as the driven snow and that there is a perfectly rational explanation for all that has happened .
14 We tend to refer to the World Church as something outside our particular constituency and we must n't forget that we must own the World Church .
15 As it stands and we must not forget that UNESCO tried something similar some time ago it would appear that purely political motives are making trade impossible .
16 And we must not forget that it is to a Public Relations expert that we owe the invention of traditional Irish coffee laced with Irish whiskey , which nobody will deny is a very great improvement on Irish coffee tout court .
17 But come round to my house … there may be something nasty in the spare bedroom ( see Jill Neville 's ‘ Common Decency ’ ) , but we wo n't let that spoil our fun , will we ?
18 But we must not suppose that the rigid Christian sex ethic was shaped by reaction against pagan debauchery .
19 Tonson did his best , without reprinting the whole from start to finish , correcting every detail , to bring his reading text into line with theatrical fact ; but we need not assume that changes on the stage and on the page were perfectly synchronized .
20 Its growth was to cause a storm of protest in the next century from archbishops less inclined to travel than Sigeric ; but we need not doubt that it arose because Sigeric and his like were delighted to have an excuse to go on pilgrimage , and the diary he has left of his movements dwells especially on the many churches in Rome worth a pilgrim 's attention .
21 But we can not forget that in fabliau terms the wife of the Shipman 's Tale can be credited as a successful trickster ; in so far as the Shipman 's Tale does develop an antifeminist perspective in the ways suggested above , it enhances the antifeminist possibilities of a genre that is characteristically only playfully antifeminist .
22 But we can not assume that this is always the case .
23 But we can not accept that that is Tess 's fault , and should happen to her .
24 It was his own spiritual change which made possible after the poems of the early twenties a more affectionate view of London , but we should not assume that the owner of Down the Silver Stream of Thames had ever been totally blind to the beauty of the city .
25 But we should not forget that this is the inevitable result of Mrs Thatcher 's much vaunted Law of the Marketplace ( or Jungle ? ) , which has forced producers to be ‘ different ’ , if not better , to catch the highest number of viewers .
26 This has since expanded into a professionally organised system covering the whole country , but we should not forget that it was Harry Barber who began it .
27 But we should not accept that this is how things are until we are convinced that there is no other account of knowledge which offers the sceptic less leverage .
28 I knew it and they knew it , but we could n't admit that we knew it .
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