Example sentences of "[coord] his [noun] in [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In Birmingham , R. W. Dale was pastor of Carr 's Lane Chapel from 1859 to 1891 and gained considerable fame for his theological writings , his involvement in political issues as a Liberal and his compilation in 1874 of The English Hymn Book .
2 She was a wreck and had planned to go and do something about it once dinner had been prepared , but now that would have to go by the board — there would be no time — and , besides , she could hardly appear to Luke 's business partner and his wife in one of Luke 's towelling robes , could she ?
3 Edward , Prince of Wales , began to share the numerous public functions and his marriage in 1863 to the beautiful Princess Alexandra of Denmark was greeted with joy .
4 It is of enormous importance to Bourdieu , as evidenced in the considerable work involved in Homo Academicus , his recent articles on the Grandes Ecoles , and his work in general on the school system and the intellectual field .
5 When Joyce was a teenager Commissioner Charles Duncan came to inspect the corps , and his words in one of the public meetings stuck in her memory : " I have never been in such a well ordered home . "
6 He was a delightful colleague , amusing and sympathetic , and his suicide in 1973 in his early fifties came as a shock to his many friends .
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