Example sentences of "[coord] she [verb] [pron] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As a first step , he or she identifies it by using a word-meaning which is conventionally taken to match the nature of the perception .
2 He obtained her signature but did not explain the document to her and she signed it without understanding it .
3 You ca n't make love at pistol point … her being filled with remorse , and she checked herself from flinging her arms round Lucy : steady , Jay , she told herself , we 're only seconds away from no , nay , never .
4 Her eyes darted back to his and she studied him before parting her lips to give him his answer .
5 Rosalba prayed , often , these days while she waited for Tommaso 's return to Rupe and the walk they would take together , as he had told Caterina they would , and she applied herself to acquiring those skills at crochet , at knitting , at pattern cutting and sewing that Fantina learned from her sisters , who were themselves taught by Auntie Rosa , later , in America .
6 It moved slowly and she cursed herself for having forgotten her gloves and scarf .
7 It sounded ridiculously lame and she cursed herself for sounding so weak and ineffectual , but miraculously he seemed not to notice .
8 ‘ It 's awfully wild , ’ she said , ‘ but you are going the right way ’ — she was proceeding east and going into the storm at the time — and she thanked me for opening the gate .
9 She was not thinking clearly and she prided herself on thinking clearly : priorities , motives , objectives .
10 Her voice was like thin sharp ice , but not cold enough to fully hide the pain , and she hated herself for letting him hear it .
11 It was a long way to Hackballs Cross , and she hated herself for going , spat hatred at herself as she threw the Metro southwards .
12 There were dangers in this silence — Wilson well understood that the steady remittance of funds for the care of Oreste constituted a claim on him over and above that of natural parentage — but she thought them worth risking .
13 Ruth saw at once that her grandfather was not in the room , but she took it for granted that by some miracle he had improved enough to get upstairs and was resting in bed .
14 The police would have to know about this visit , of course ; her conscience persistently reminded her that she should have informed Harris already but she silenced it by telling herself that a few hours would make no difference .
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