Example sentences of "[coord] they 've [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The bothy was in Pat 's family , and they 've made it into a lovely home .
2 And they 've clouted it from the outside going in .
3 And they 've converted it to two flats .
4 I can quote you three particular instances where farmers have rung in with good information only to be told at the other end of the phone what the bloody hell have you rung us for and they 've got nothing within the local police whatsoever .
5 and they 've got everything in it and er they do wine tasting and , and all this lot and you know their , their cheeses and that , they 've got all that then .
6 and they 've got everything from like
7 yes , well there 's a new shop opened near the showers market , erm new thing brick a brac its called , we 'll go in there its got , they keep advertising and they 've got one in Mayfield Road
8 And we know they 've learnt something , they 've understood it and they 've got it for life .
9 And they do it , and they 've got it in stock , you know so
10 and the others are chocolate , and they 've put them in a
11 and they 've taken it in turns in that now
12 ‘ Cypress Hill are smoking funk , and they 've rolled it into a fat album featuring ‘ How I Could Just Kill A Man ’ and ‘ Hand On The Pump ’ .
13 I 'd actually go a bit further and say yes we 'd like to do this , can we also look after road maintenance as well , because the road maintenance is sent out to contractors , contractors are so busy , they ca n't actually do half this work , they 've got a list as long as your arm , so pit pitfalls in in the pavements as well as as some of the motorways are n't being done because the contract 's been placed , but they 've placed it with the wrong people .
14 Or , they maybe replacing some of these but they got plenty of these , or they 're replacing some of these but they 've got plenty of these ?
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