Example sentences of "[coord] they have [adv] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 This is usually because they have not been adjusted correctly , something has loosened in use or they have not been put on correctly in the first place .
2 gone to their GP 's , and often have been given some sort of medicine for their depression but have n't had the counselling side of things dealt with and they 've just been given re-prescriptions , not necessarily seen every time for a re-prescription .
3 The folk at Fanmore gave them a good fight last week , and drove them off with five men dead , and they 've not been seen since .
4 About eighty per cent of the users are students and they 've normally been told to read this , or read that , or read the other , and if they now use one of our computer terminals , which has got a little video screen on the top and a little keyboard , they can look up the books , they can look them up by title , by the title of the book as well as by the traditional author approach , and when they 've found it the computer tells them how many copies are in the library , or whether they 're all on loan .
5 About eighty per cent of the users are students , and they 've normally been told to read this , or read that , or read the other and if they now use one of our computer terminals , which has got a little video screen on the top and a little keyboard , they can look up the books .
6 Oh there 's a char , there 's a lovely char here , these lovely chars er actually spend most of the time in big cold lakes and they 're a , they 're a population in they normally respond in December from about December the second to the fifteenth and they 've probably been isolated since fourteen thousand years ago , with that every population has gone slightly different to , to the next one .
7 " No , I was not : I 'm not a member of the South Tipperary Brigade , but I heard the details from one of the lads there , and they 've since been confirmed by the Big Fellow himself . "
8 they did n't even know how to put the clip onto the microphone , they were sitting holding the microphones instead of slinging it round their neck , and they 've never been told about the equipment , so they need n't
9 On investigation , it was apparent that the claimant had been unaware of the regulations in this respect , and they had also been overlooked by the supervisor and administrative assistant who were involved in processing the claim .
10 He claimed the South African federation were not legitimately entitled to conduct the testing , and they had not been conducted according to DLV rules .
11 The husband had a right to dispose of them for his own benefit while he lived , and his wife had no power of disposition during that time , though , if she survived him , and they had not been disposed of , they would be hers again .
12 ‘ Some neighbours of ours in Scotland had unnaturally cosmopolitan views about the best way to bring up their daughters and they had all been sent to stay with family friends in both Paris and Florence when they were about seventeen .
13 A year later and they had all been given a rise of one penny a day .
14 But they had not been destroyed by the explosion : bewilderingly , their bodies were found in the garden some distance from the house , and they had obviously been strangled .
15 They caved in ; I mean it was only a sister and a niece , and they 'd both been provided for during his lifetime and the niece got a couple of hundred thou in his will .
16 The selectors knew they were playing with fire when they decided to arrange a couple of club fixtures and they have duly been consumed in a conflagration of their own making .
17 In 1912 Eleanor Barton , a spokeswoman for the WCG ( albeit herself middle class ) , voiced the opinion that ‘ women suffer a great deal through their husbands ’ sensuality , and that is more evident amongst working people than other classes , simply because the conditions of life lend themselves to that sort of thing , and they have not been taught the proper uses of their bodies ' .
18 Dozens of paintings that should have gone to the estate were sold by Baghoomian soon after Basquiat 's death , however , and they have not been found .
19 They 're not strong enough and they have n't been trained . ’
20 Bobcats need a range of about 60 square miles per male , and they have already been exterminated from parts of the eastern and central United States .
21 Whatever the heady consequences of that ( and they have classically been found contradictory ) , Sloman 's explication does not tackle the question of why it is we are conscious of certain things at some times but not at others .
22 Substantial sums have been spent in the deliberate search for medicinal plants , and they have seldom been rewarded .
23 During the Second World War considerable damage was done to the docks by enemy action , and they have now been restored as part of the World Trade Centre , with the dock as a yachting harbour and the surviving warehouses used as trading floors with shops beneath , an imaginative example of redevelopment combined with conservation .
24 He wrote his prose poems originally in Arabic and they have now been translated into more than 20 other languages .
25 The commissioners reported the incident and they have subsequently been fined by the EBBA .
26 The lesions may present at any age and they have always been recorded as solitary , except in one case , and possibly in anothr , in which a second polyp was resected from the site of anastomosis of the previous operation six months before .
27 Tallis argues that people talk of ‘ signifieds ’ , when they should say ‘ referents ’ ; there is nothing new or unfamiliar in the idea of verbal signs having multiple or even clashing references , and they have long been exploited by poets and punsters , as Tallis does in the title of his book .
28 None of them have been published , and they have all been put up to Ministers .
29 But they had n't been made at Fords , they 'd been made in a subsidiary , taken up the road on long trailers , taken off the trailer onto the assembly conveyor , which er crawls round the assembly line and fitted like that .
30 But they had n't been born then . ’
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